When my husband gave me an ultimatum that scared me, he didn’t expect me to stand up for myself and our children. I taught him a big lesson about how unreasonable he was being, especially since we already had so much to be grateful for. In the end, he ended up begging me for mercy!

I never imagined I’d find myself in this situation, but here I am, at a turning point. I had to take strong action when my husband made a demand that pushed me to my limits. This demand was enough to make me take a stand.


My husband, Danny, has always been a dedicated father and a successful businessman. He works hard and provides well for our family, allowing me to be a stay-at-home mom to our five wonderful daughters.

But recently, his desire for a son to “carry on the family name” has turned into demands and even threats!


“Lisa, we NEED to have a sixth child,” he said one evening after dinner. His tone was serious and almost cold.

“Danny, we already have FIVE daughters. Are you saying you want me to keep having babies until we have a son?” I asked, feeling the tension build.

“But aren’t children a blessing? Is it really that hard?” His words stung. We’ve had this argument many times before, but this time felt different—it felt like an ultimatum. We kept going in circles, with neither of us willing to back down.


Our argument heated up to the point where Danny hinted he might consider divorcing me if I didn’t agree to have a son. “Are you saying you’d leave me if I don’t give you a son?” I asked, my voice trembling.

“I didn’t say THAT,” he muttered, looking away. But the implication was clear: he was willing to consider divorce if I didn’t follow his wishes. That was the end of our argument as we went our separate ways to get ready for bed.


That night, I lay awake, thinking about our conversation. How could he be so dismissive of the life we’d built together? Our daughters are amazing—each one unique and full of life. I couldn’t imagine our family any other way.

I needed him to understand what he was asking of me, and of us. So, before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep, I decided on a plan to show him exactly what it would mean to raise five children alone.


The very next day, I woke up extra early while everyone was still asleep. I packed a bag and drove to my late mother’s old country house. I turned off my phone’s ringer and ignored all his calls and texts.

After making myself breakfast and a hot cup of coffee, I settled in to watch my favorite show for the day: “The Drama That Unfolds When You Leave Your Husband Alone with Five Children.” I watched everything live through the surveillance cameras we had installed at home.


Danny was in for a rude awakening! As soon as he woke up, he started getting ready for work but was quickly interrupted by the noise from the kids. “Where’s your mother? Why aren’t you all dressed and ready for breakfast?” he asked, clearly frustrated.

My kids made me proud by ignoring him and continuing to play and jump on the beds. Danny searched for me while calling my name, eventually realizing I wasn’t home. He then started calling me, and I watched the calls come through on my phone.


“What the hell, Lisa?” Danny said in frustration after missing my sixth call. He realized he couldn’t leave for work because our young daughters were alone and chaotic. The first morning was hilarious and a complete disaster!

Danny tried to make breakfast but ended up burning the toast and spilling orange juice everywhere. The kids were running wild and refusing to get dressed. He was completely overwhelmed, and I was enjoying every moment from afar!


I could hear him shouting, “Emma, stop running! Jessica, put your shoes on!” His voice was frazzled.

“Daddy, I don’t like this cereal!” Emily whined, pushing her bowl away.

“Then WHAT do you WANT?” he asked, exasperated.

“I want pancakes!” she demanded. Danny sighed and rubbed his temples.

“Fine, I’ll make pancakes.”

Little Jessica, feeling left out, added, “I want scrambled eggs and cake!”

Emma, not wanting to be left out, chimed in, “Waffles and fresh cream, please!”


If his temples were aching before, I was sure they were now throbbing! The chaos only grew throughout the day. He struggled to help them with their online school, but the kids kept getting distracted and running off.

“Jessica, focus on your math homework,” he pleaded.

“But I don’t understand it, Daddy!” she cried. He sat beside her, staring at the screen.

“Okay, let’s figure it out together.” While he was trying to help the kids, a call from work came through.


From the conversation and Danny’s profuse apologies, it was clear he’d forgotten to report himself as absent for the day! At lunchtime, he was clueless about what our kids liked to eat, so they ended up having a makeshift picnic of random snacks.

“Can we have peanut butter and jelly?” Emma asked.

“I’m not sure we have any,” he replied, searching the pantry.

“How about just jelly?” she suggested. I have to admit, while it was a bit sad seeing Danny struggle, it was absolutely hilarious and totally worth it!


The house was a complete disaster, with toys scattered everywhere, and Danny looked like he was about to lose it. “Why is there Play-Doh on the carpet?” he groaned.

“I don’t know, ask Emily,” Jessica replied. When Emily heard her name, she started listing all the reasons why she wasn’t the culprit.

“I only play with purple and blue Play-Doh. I wasn’t sitting on the carpet, I only ran a bit on it in one spot. I…” Danny cut her off, looking exasperated. “Okay, Emily! Enough, I got it! Can you PLEASE just clean it up for Daddy?”


In the evening, the girls decided to play dress-up, and Danny had no choice but to join in. They dressed him up in a tiara and feather boa, pretending he was a princess.

“Daddy, you look SO pretty!” Emily giggled.

“This is ridiculous,” Danny muttered, but he couldn’t help but smile at their happiness.

I decided it was time to head home. When I walked in, Danny rushed to me, looking more relieved than I had ever seen him!

“I am so sorry,” he said. “I won’t pressure you about having a son anymore.” He held me so tightly I almost couldn’t breathe!

“I realize now how much you do, and I promise to spend more time with the family,” he vowed. I was genuinely touched.

“If you truly promise to spend more time with us and help out more, we can discuss the POSSIBILITY of a sixth child,” I said.

“Daddy, will you come to my dance recital?” Emily asked one day.

“OF COURSE, sweetheart. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he promised. And he kept his promise! He attended every recital, every soccer game, and every school play. Our daughters thrived with his newfound attention and love.

One evening, as we watched our daughters play in the yard, Danny took my hand. “Thank you, Lisa,” he said softly. “For everything.” I squeezed his hand, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

“Thank you for understanding,” I replied.

Our journey wasn’t easy, but it brought us closer together. My husband learned to appreciate the family we have, and I found the strength to stand up for myself and our daughters. We were stronger than ever, ready to face whatever challenges life threw our way.

As we sat there, watching our daughters chase fireflies under the setting sun, I knew we had found our happily ever after.

Meet Myrtle, the Woman Who Was Born With 4 Legs and Eventually Became a Mom

Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born with a rare birth defect called polymelia, meaning born with extra limbs, in her case, she had 4 legs, 2 normal ones and 2 smaller ones that grew from her hips. But there was more to it. She also had 2 sets of reproductive organs and 2 pelvises. Because of this rare occurrence, she’s probably one of the few people in history considered wonders. Let’s delve into Myrtle’s story and discover her exceptional life milestones.Myrtle was considered a rare and remarkable case of human development.

© Joseph Jones / Wikimedia Comons© Public Domain

Josephine Myrtle Corbin, an American sideshow performer, came into the world in 1868 as a remarkable medical rarity. Affected by a condition known as dipygus, she possessed two lower bodies from the waist down. This unusual phenomenon occurred due to her body axis splitting during development, resulting in two separate pelvises side by side. Remarkably, her smaller inner legs were paired with one of her outer legs. While Myrtle could move her inner legs, but they were too weak to walk on.

Born in Tennessee to her parents, William and Nancy, Myrtle’s arrival brought both wonder and concern. At 25, her father, William, and 34-year-old mother, Nancy, welcomed the unique little Myrtle into their lives. Medical professionals noted that if Myrtle had been delivered breech, with her bottom first, it could have been potentially fatal for both her and her mother. Thankfully, Myrtle’s early days were promising, as she displayed signs of strength, weighing 10 lb (4.5kg) just 3 weeks after her birth.

Myrtle’s father was facing financial hardship and had to think of ways to support his growing family.

© Charles Eisenmann (1855-1927) / Wikimedia Commons© Public domain© Palette.fm

At the age of 5 weeks, people had the opportunity to visit William Corbin and marvel at his four-legged daughter for a small fee. As the years passed, Myrtle grew up accustomed to the constant stares and astonishment from those who encountered her rare condition. Her inner legs never fully developed, her right foot was clubbed, and both of the smaller legs had 3 toes on each foot.

Over the following decade, William took Myrtle on a journey across the country, where she participated in fairs, sideshows, and dime museums. By the time she turned 14, she had achieved success and managed to secure a lucrative contract paying her an unusually high salary of $250 per week.

The four-legged girl, Myrtle, had a younger sister named Ann, who fortunately did not suffer from any birth defects.

Myrtle married when she was 18 and later became a mother.

© James R. Applegate (1849–1910), Philadelphia / Wikimedia Commons© Public Domain© Palette.fm

As Myrtle entered adulthood, she grew weary of the constant attention she received due to her condition. At 18, she decided to marry James Bicknell, a medical student, after which she retired from her performing career. Interestingly, her fame had inspired others to attempt to fake her unique deformity, but all of these impostors were eventually exposed as frauds.

A year into their marriage, Myrtle experienced troubling symptoms like fever, nausea, headaches, and side pains. Concerned, she sought medical attention, and to her disbelief, the doctor revealed that she was pregnant on her left side. Myrtle skeptically responded, saying, “If it had been on my right side, I would come nearer believing you are correct.” The pregnancy proved challenging for her health, and doctors even advised her to consider an abortion due to the severity of her illness. However, Myrtle managed to recover swiftly.

Over the following years, James and Myrtle welcomed seven more children into their family. Tragically, only 5 of them survived infancy, 4 daughters and a son.

© Unknown author / Wikimedia Commons© Public Domain

The family lived a quiet life until their 5 children reached adulthood. Then Myrtle re-entered the show business. In 1909, when Myrtle was 41, she was a part of Huber’s Museum exhibit, appearing as The Four-Legged Girl from Cleburne, Texas. She often dressed her 4 legs in matching shoes and socks, to the audience’s delight. She was making $450 per week at the time.

In 1928, Myrtle developed a skin infection on her right leg, and the doctor diagnosed her with erysipelas or a strep infection. A week later, on May 6th, 1928, Myrtle passed away. Her casket was covered in concrete, and family members kept watch until it was fully cured to prevent grave robbers from stealing her remains.

Almost a century later, Josephine Myrtle Corbin Bicknell continues to inspire others by proving that even in the 19th century, a woman could forge a successful career and become a mother all at once.

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