The dog keeps coming to a woman’s house and just slept and one day this note was attached to his collar

When a woman came home one day, she found a retriever. The dog was well cared for, not hungry and had a collar, obviously had an owner. When the woman entered the house, the dog followed her, simply lay down on the carpet by the door and fell fast asleep. And when he woke up, he left quietly the next day, the woman was waiting for the same picture, and after he fell asleep again, the dog kept coming to a woman’s house as soon as he slept, and one day this note was stuck on his collar And it went on like that for several weeks.

If you know the reason behind this strange behavior of the dog, you will be surprised “He started visiting my house. When you looked at him, it was clear he had a family because he was well groomed and well fed “I petted him and he followed me home, laid down on the carpet and fell fast asleep. And after he slept, he went to the door and I let him out. ” The dog kept coming to a woman’s house and just sleeping and one day this note was stuck on his collar “The next day he came back, greeted me, came into the house and fell asleep on the carpet again.

This lasted several weeks. ” “I was interested in this situation and decided to find out why this was happening and who the owners of this dog were. I decided to write a note and pin it to the collar. This is what I wrote: “I would like to know who owns this beautiful dog and ask if you know that your dog comes to my house every day, sleeps for several hours and leaves again?”

How to cut a dog’s head? The dog kept coming to a woman’s house and just sleeping and one day this note was stuck on his collar “The next day the dog came back and on his collar was a note with the answer: “Look, she lives in a house with 6 kids. The youngest are not even three years old. He just wants to sleep. And if you don’t mind, can I come with him tomorrow? “

(VIDEO)Coach Was Furious When His Players Disrespected National Anthem, So He Does THIS To Teach Them A Lesson!

This is how you coach basketball. It begins before you even touch the ball, it begins with respect and gratitude that you even have a freedom to play, something that these future NBA stars wouldn’t be able to do if the boys their age didn’t pause their education and fight wars for it.

Singing a national anthem before any big sporting event has become show business. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW

I don’t mind Lady Gaga singing it but these kids gotta learn why it’s being performed and why they should respect it. The lesson Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams gave to his players will make you cry.

Awesome coach. Good job.

I don’t mind Lady Gaga singing it but these kids gotta learn why it’s being performed and why they should respect it. The lesson Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams gave to his players will make you cry.

Awesome coach. Good job.

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