Cara Brookins was left emotionally broken when her second abusive marriage ended. She got well by building her own house, which she did after seeing YouTube videos on how to do it.
The mother of four started looking for a new house in 2007 after being forced to sell the Bryant, Arkansas, home she and her soon-to-be ex shared. At the moment, though, anything the computer programmer analyst could afford was too tiny. Brookins too felt obliged to take action to bring her family back together. She admits, “But I had no idea what that should be.”
Brookins, therefore, came up with the idea to build her own house from the ground up. According to Brookins, 45, “If anyone was in our situation, they wouldn’t do this.” “No one else viewed it this way, and now that I think about it, I understand it sounds crazy.”
One acre of property cost Brookins $20,000, and she obtained a building credit for about $150,000. She then started watching YouTube tutorials to learn how to do things like run a gas line, build a wall, lay a foundation, and install plumbing.
Her children, ages 2 to 17, helped her throughout the nine-month construction of the 3,500-square-foot home. At the time, Drew, who was 15 years old, helped Brookins make the preparations. Jada, who was 11 at the time, transported water from a neighbor’s pond using buckets because there was no running water on the property. She then combined the water with 80-pound sacks of concrete to create the mortar for the foundation.
It felt impossible the entire time, according to Brookins, who worked when the kids were in school. After school, Brookins drove her family to the five-mile-away construction site where she worked late into the night on the new house.
YouTube videos previously were vague and provided numerous solutions to a task. Brookins employed a part-time firefighter with building experience for $25 per hour to help with some of the more challenging tasks. She remembers, “He was a step ahead of us in knowledge.”
On March 31, 2009, Brookins and her kids moved into the five-bedroom home. She gave it the name Inkwell Manor in recognition of her desire to become a writer.
In the years afterwards, Brookins has written numerous middle grade and young adult books. She has also written a biography titled Rise: How a House Built a Family, which will be released on January 24.
Building the house helped Brookins emerge from her depression. We were ashamed that our best option was to construct our own shelter, Brookins adds. “We weren’t really proud of it,” In the end, it proved to be the best thing I could have done for myself.
She says, “You can do anything you set your mind to if I, a 110 pound computer programmer, can build a complete house.” Choose one goal and stay with it. Find the big thing you want to do, move slowly in that direction, and take those who also need healing with you. That has a lot of influence.
Sometimes, dads don’t get as much credit as moms in parenting. But the truth is, a father’s role in a child’s life is just as important, and they deserve the same love. Ella Travolta wanted to appreciate her dad, John Travolta, for everything he does, and she shared some heartfelt words.
At Bright Side, we believe that sharing kind words strengthens bonds, so we want to share this sweet exchange with our audience. Ella honored John on his special day.

The 21-year-old actress posted a picture on her Instagram with her dad and brother. In the caption, she said her dad is her “best friend” and someone who brings joy to her in both good times and bad.

She revealed that even though parenting is not easy, John makes it look like it is. He somehow makes every day better than the previous one for his kids. Ella also added that she hopes to be half as good a parent as John someday.
John himself shared a message for the kids.

John Travolta feels really happy and lucky to be the dad of his two children. He loves encouraging and treating his kids well. He recently shared that his daughter Ella will be in a new version of Alice in Wonderland. And of course, he proudly mentioned that he’s a “very proud dad.” He’s been keeping his family strong since last year.

Last year, John Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston, passed away after they were married for 29 years. She was 57 years old and had been fighting breast cancer. After she passed away, John took a break to cope with the sadness and support his children. Before this, he also experienced the loss of his oldest son, Jett, in 2009.

What’s the sweetest thing your dad has done for you? And you for him? We’d love to see your photos together in the comments below!
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