Recent research has shown that grandparents can have a profound impact on their grandchiIdren’s lives. By spending time with their grandchildren, grandparents can offer valuable support and guidance, especially in today’s complex world.

Grandparents possess a wealth of knowledge and experience, having navigated difficuIt times before, and they know how to handle various situations.
Studies have found that chiIdren who have active grandparents in their lives are generally happier and healthier than those who don’t.
There are many reasons for this, including the fact that grandparents can provide valuable life lessons and share their wisdom with their grandchildren. Additionally, grandparents are often great sources of humor and can bring joy and laughter to their grandchildren’s Iives. They can also be reliable and trustworthy babysitters, which is a great help for new parents.
Studies show kids need their grandparents more than we realize
1. Grandparents foster happiness.
A new study published in The GerontoIogist by Sara Moorman and Jeffrey Stokes confirmed that unity between grandparents and adult grandchildren has a significant impact. Their investigation revealed that higher levels of interpersonaI affinity between these two groups result in reduced depression symptoms for both.
2. Older relatives may provide a sympathetic ear to children.
Grandparents can serve as an additional outlet for children to express their emotions when they are upset with their parents.
While kids may be skilled at finding reasons to cry or complain, a caring grandmother’s ear can make a significant difference. Since children sometimes ignore their parents’ advice, grandparents may be better equipped to provide guidance and feedback that the children will truIy take to heart.
3. They serve as a reminder of our family heritage.
Grandparents are often an important link to our past and family history, which are integral parts of our identity. Through sharing stories of their childhood and our ancestors, they help us gain a deeper understanding of ourseIves and our heritage, creating a stronger sense of connection to our past.
Barbra Streisand Says She ‘Can’t Live In This Country’ If This Happens

The well-known singer and performer Barbra Streisand reiterated her intention to leave the country in the event that Donald Trump wins the presidency once more.
The vocal Democrat, who actively supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, voiced her distaste for living in the nation under Trump’s presidency in an interview with Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show.”
When Colbert questioned Streisand about where she may go if she were to leave, she casually said, “Probably England, I like England.”
This statement is reminiscent to one she made prior to the 2016 election, in which she declared she would think about moving to Canada or another nation in the event that Trump won.
Like a number of other celebrities, Streisand chose to stay in the United States after the 2016 election, despite her prior promise to depart in the event that Trump was elected president.
Several celebrities, including Amy Schumer, Bryan Cranston, and Cher, made comparable vows yet continued to reside in the nation following Trump’s election.
Trump has frequently been criticised by Streisand, who has dubbed him the “Liar in Chief” and the “Groper in Chief.” She has called Trump “so stupid” and “so ill-informed,” expressing her profound regret in his “heartbreaking” election triumph in 2016.
With “Walls,” her album from 2018, Streisand persisted in her criticism of Trump.
The sharp lyrics of the song “Don’t Lie to Me” questioned the falsification of facts and the worldwide fallout from such activities.
Barbra Streisand described Trump’s presidency in 2021 as “four years in a black hole,” highlighting the toll that disinformation has on people, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
She emphasised the need of honesty and called on leaders to be open and honest, saying, “Tell people the truth; they can deal with it.”
Streisand’s public discourse on politics and societal concerns is shaped by her uncompromising candour.
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