Pampered Boy Ridicules Flight Attendant Unaware That His Wealthy Father Is Observing

Seventeen-year-old Andrew is used to getting what he wants and treating people badly when he doesn’t get it, but his father decides it’s time Andrew learned a lesson about respect when he mistreats a flight attendant.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?”

Steven had been watching his seventeen-year-old son walk toward the airport boarding gate, but now he looked down at his wife.

“Of course Andrew will be okay,” he replied.

“I hope this new school can help him learn some humility.”

“But what if they treat him badly in the dorms?” Steven’s wife looked up at him. “He’s never been to boarding school before.”

“That’s the point.” Steven clenched his jaw. “Andrew has become spoiled and he needs to learn some tough lessons about life.”

Months later, Andrew was flying home for the holidays after his first semester of boarding school. He’d hated every minute of his time there and was eager to return to his high-powered computer and the luxury car he got for his sixteenth birthday.

“Hey, you.” Andrew waved to the flight attendant, a redhead woman with freckles.

“How can I help you, sir?” The flight attendant smiled at him.

“You can get me something better to snack on than these peanuts.” Andrew threw the bag of peanuts at her.

The flight attendant’s smile turned into a frown. “Sir, please don’t throw things at me.”

“I’ll do what I like,” Andrew replied. “You’re here to serve me, so stop complaining and do your job.”

“Don’t talk to her like that.” The older man in the seat beside Andrew turned to look at him.

“Just because it’s her job to serve us doesn’t mean you can disrespect her.”

Andrew rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers at the flight attendant. “I’m still waiting for my snack.”

The flight attendant walked away with her eyes downcast. The older man in the next seat shook his head.

“Your parents must be so disappointed in you,” the elderly man muttered.

“Nobody asked you, old man.” Andrew began scrolling through the movie options.

After a few minutes, the flight attendant returned with a pretzel.

“Here you go, sir,” she said and held out the pretzel to him. “If there’s anything else —”

Andrew sneered and slapped the pretzel out of her hand. “I don’t want a pretzel!”

The flight attendant recoiled, tears forming in her eyes. “Peanuts and pretzels are the only snacks we serve on this flight.”

“That’s pathetic, just like you.” Andrew leaned forward in his seat. “Go and fetch me a proper snack, now!”

“How dare you talk to her like that?” A woman rose from her seat across the aisle and put a hand on the flight attendant’s arm.

“If she did her job then I wouldn’t have to.” Andrew pointed at the flight attendant.

“She’s a servant, and a bad one too.”

The flight attendant burst into tears. The woman passenger tried to comfort her.

“Somebody ought to give you a hiding, young man.” The elderly passenger in the seat next to Andrew scowled at him.

“I agree.” Somebody placed a hand on his shoulder.

At that moment, Andrew understood what his father had been trying to teach him.
Andrew recognized that voice. He turned and stared in surprise when he saw his dad behind him. His face was red with anger.

“Dad, what are you doing here?” Andrew asked.

“Flying home from a business trip,” Steven replied. “I hoped we might meet on the plane, but I never imagined it would be like this. Apologize to this young lady and the other passengers immediately.”

Andrew hunched his shoulders and mumbled an apology. He didn’t see what the big deal was, but he knew better than to disobey his father when he was so angry.

When Andrew and his father got home, Steven marched him straight to his office on the second floor of the luxurious house.

“This comes to an end right now.”

Steven shut the door and turned to point at Andrew. “Your behavior is disgusting. I hoped that you might learn manners in boarding school, but it seems I was wrong.”

“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?” Andrew threw out his arms. “She’s just a flight attendant. It’s not like she’s important.”

“And that’s your problem, Andrew. You think you’re better than others because you were born into a wealthy family, and that you can treat others badly because of that.” Steven crossed his arms. “That’s going to change.”

“What does that mean?”

“You won’t be going back to that school. You’ll finish your education at a public school, and you’re going to spend your holiday working.”

“Working?” Andrew straightened up. “Are you giving me a job at your company?”

Steven smiled. “You could say that. I’m going to give you a job in my cleaning company, as a janitor.”

Andrew was horrified.

“I won’t do it!”

“You will because I’m also cutting off all your privileges. I’m taking your bank cards, your computer, your car, and your cell phone. I’m even taking your branded clothes.” Steven put his hands on his hips. “You’re going to find out what it means to respect people.”

Andrew had no choice. His father took his possessions from him, and he started his job as an airport janitor the next day.

Andrew knew nothing about cleaning. The older woman he was assigned to work with laughed at him for not knowing how to sweep or mop. He shouted at her for laughing at him and threatened to get her fired.

“No, you won’t,” she replied, shaking her finger at him. “Your father warned me about you, now get to work. These floors don’t clean themselves.”

Andrew sighed and started sweeping. He was clumsy, and his supervisor teased him about it. Andrew got angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He was cleaning the trash cans when something hit him. He turned and saw that somebody had thrown an empty takeaway carton at him.

“Hey!” Andrew shouted at the man who’d thrown the carton. “How dare you throw that at me.”

The man ignored Andrew, so he ran after him and grabbed his arm.

“I’m talking to you,” Andrew said.

The man shook Andrew off so hard that he fell to the ground. “Get your filthy hands off me, you dirty janitor.”

Andrew watched the man walk away in shock. Was this how it felt to be treated like you didn’t matter? Andrew didn’t like it. He looked around just as somebody kicked him.

“Get out of the way, you lazy bum.” The woman who’d kicked him sneered at him.

“I’m going to report you for sleeping on the job.”

At that moment, Andrew understood what his father had been trying to teach him. He knew now how much it hurt to be mistreated by people who thought they were better than you.

A flash of red caught his eye, and Andrew looked up. He recognized the flight attendant he’d been rude to and hurried across to her.

“I’m so sorry,” he said when he reached her. “I treated you so badly.”

The woman was surprised to see him, but she smiled when he apologized.

“I’m glad you’ve learned the error of your ways,” she said.

What can we learn from this story?

Everyone deserves respect. It doesn’t matter if somebody works a menial job; they’re still a person and deserve to be treated respectfully.
Sometimes children need to learn a lesson the hard way. It can be difficult for children to understand the true depth of important life lessons when they’ve never experienced that situation.

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My daughter and Son In Law shamed me for getting a tattoo at 75. I decided to give them a lesson

Elis, 75, made the audacious and surprising decision to do something on a bright morning in New Orleans. She’d been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long now. She desired to relive her youth and greet life with renewed energy. Thus, she entered a tattoo parlor, selected a delicate pattern that represented her strength and passion for life, and had herself inked. She was so happy with the artwork on her arm that she experienced a surge of joy. She declared to the world that age was merely a number.

The Unexpected Reaction

Elis threw a modest party for her family, excited to show off her new tattoo. She hoped they would respond favorably, imagining their astonishment. Nevertheless, her daughter’s face contorted in disapproval the moment she saw the tattoo.”What in the world were you thinking, Mom?” she cried out. “Getting a tattoo at your age is not only inappropriate—it’s also embarrassing. Not some disobedient adolescent, but a respectable grandmother is what you’re meant to be. People will make fun of you because it seems stupid.Just For Illustrative UseA twinge of pain shot through Elis, but worse was to come. She laughed uncontrollably at her son-in-law, who she had always loved like her own son. He laughed till he was almost unsteady on his feet, tears rolling down his cheeks.”Mom, that’s hilarious! Between chuckles, he managed to ask, “Really, a tattoo at your age?” Elis’s heart fell. The thing that stung more than the words was the vile mockery. Their responses hurt her profoundly and made her feel ashamed.

Organizing the Ideal Refund

Elis made the decision to take her grief and use it as fuel, refusing to allow their mocking remarks and harsh comments define her. She remembered how badly her son-in-law had hurt her; a man who relied solely on her daughter and dreamed of becoming a millionaire. This was the last straw. Elis decided to impart to him a knowledge that he would never forget.Elis spent the next two days carefully organizing her retaliation. She made the decision to reveal her son-in-law’s apathy and lack of drive in a way that would shock and enlighten him. She made contact with some of her acquaintances who were talented in other fields, one of them being an outstanding actor.

The Day of Judgment

Elis carried out her plan two days later. This time, she pretended to need assistance with some home maintenance when she extended an invitation to her relatives. Reluctant to face the real world of employment, her son-in-law finally consented to attend.Elis was waiting for them when they got there, carrying a toolbox and a list of things that needed to get done. She gave her son-in-law the list, and his expression was puzzled.He was perplexed and questioned, “What’s this?”Elis remarked kindly, “I thought you could help out with these tasks.” “After all, you constantly boast about your handyness.”Just For Illustrative UseHe took a quick look at the list, which included jobs like rewiring a lamp, replacing a broken fence, and repairing the leaky faucet. Glancing around, he realized that he was incapable of doing any of these responsibilities.Elis was about to object when the actor, who was dressed like a professional contractor, showed there. After introducing himself, he started by making each task appear simple as he demonstrated how to complete it. The son-in-law, unable to keep up, watched, looking uncomfortable and ashamed as he fumbled with the tools.

An Acquired Knowledge

As the day went on, it became evident that the son-in-law was completely unable to finish even the most basic responsibilities. Elis observed with a conflicted sense of relief and sympathy. As her daughter witnessed her husband’s incapacity, she started to see how much she had been supporting his sloth.Elis’s strategy was a complete success. Her son-in-law was worn out, ashamed, and forced to face his lack of practical abilities by the end of the day. With a composed yet assertive tone, Elis drew him aside and remarked, “You laughed at me for wanting to feel young and vibrant again. But now look at you. Perhaps it’s time you matured and began accepting accountability for your actions in life.Her remarks had an impact. The incident humbled the son-in-law, who expressed regret for his actions. He committed to working hard to get better and more independent. Elis took his apology and told him that she would not put up with any more mistreatment.

Going Forward: Elis observed a shift in her son-in-law during the ensuing weeks. He started to actively work on improving himself and took on greater duties. Her daughter also began to value her mother’s fortitude and self-reliance.Elis, on the other hand, kept living her life with the same carefree attitude that inspired her to get the tattoo. She resumed going to social gatherings, took up a local fitness class, and even started dating once more. She demonstrated to herself and everyone around her that living life to the fullest was possible at any age.Elis’s audacious move had not only lifted her spirits but also resulted in a much-needed shift inside her family. She smiled every time she saw her tattoo, being reminded of the bravery and strength it took to defend herself and impart an important lesson in the process.

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