On Their 50th Anniversary, Husband Comes Home & Sees That His Wife Has Put All His Belongings Out on the Street

A woman is angry and hurt when her husband forgets their 50th wedding anniversary and throws his belongings in the gutter — until he comes home with an unusual excuse.

Betty Carmichael was sure her husband had forgotten their anniversary yet again, only this time she wasn’t going to take it lying down. She had been married to Donald for fifty years and she deserved better!

She had stood by his side through thick and thin and given him three children and the best years of her life, and what did she get? Not even a bouquet of ratty daisies, let alone red roses.

Donald hadn't brought Betty flowers in years. | Source: Pexels

Donald hadn’t brought Betty flowers in years. | Source: Pexels

Betty looked at the wall clock and frowned. 21:30. He hadn’t even bothered to come home for the special dinner she’d prepared! This was the last straw!

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, and doubt wears away at the love that holds it together.

Two hours later, Betty heard her husband’s car pull into the driveway and smiled grimly. Donald wasn’t going to enjoy his evening, not one little bit.

She immediately heard a shout: “BETTY! What is going on here!”

She marched outside and stood on the porch, her fists on her hips. “What do you want?” she asked.

Betty prepared a romantic dinner but Donald didn't come home. | Source: Unsplash

Betty prepared a romantic dinner but Donald didn’t come home. | Source: Unsplash

Donald was standing in the garden and he looked very angry. He pointed a finger at an old worn-out recliner sitting on the lawn along with several boxes of books and bric-a-brac.

“What are my things doing out on the lawn?” he asked. “Have you run mad, woman?”

“Mad!” screamed Betty, and the lights went on in the house next door. “You are the one who must be mad! Do you have Alzheimer’s or amnesia? I’m kicking you out. I’m divorcing you!”

“Divorcing me?” gasped Donald, flabbergasted. “I’m seventy-eight years old and you’re seventy-five and you want a DIVORCE?”

“Yes!” cried Betty angrily. “Do you think that just because I’m seventy-five I’m no longer a woman? That you can take me for granted? Well, I won’t let you!”

Betty was sure Donald didn't love her anymore. | Source: Pexels

Betty was sure Donald didn’t love her anymore. | Source: Pexels

“Betty,” Donald said. “Be reasonable. What is this all about?”

“You forgot our anniversary AGAIN!” Betty said angrily. “We’ve been together for fifty years and I have to remind you of my birthday. I understand you weren’t there, but you were definitely there for the wedding!”

“Bets,” Donald protested. “That was the happiest day of my life…”

“Then why don’t you remember it?” Betty asked. “Why don’t you bring me flowers or take me dancing? You don’t love me anymore. You haven’t loved me in years.”

Donald shook his head. “I love you, Betty,” he said. “You are the love of my life…”

Betty brought Donald's favorite chair out in the street. | Source:Source: Unsplash

Betty brought Donald’s favorite chair out in the street. | Source:Source: Unsplash

“Then why didn’t you come home for dinner?” Betty asked. “I made a special dinner and lit candles and set out flowers and you didn’t show up! Where were you? Out with another woman?”

Donald grinned. “Yes,” he said and stepped aside. Standing there was a slim girl in her twenties with Betty’s blue eyes and Donald’s wide smile.

“Hannah!” Betty cried and ran down the steps. She would have fallen if Donald hadn’t caught her. She threw her arms around the girl and started crying.

“Oh, Hannah,” she sobbed. “It’s been too long! I’ve missed you so much!”

Hannah came to visit her grandparents. | Source: Unsplash

Hannah came to visit her grandparents. | Source: Unsplash

“Hi, Gran Betty,” Hannah said. “I’m sorry we were so late, but my flight was delayed. Poor Gran Donald waited for hours!”

Betty turned to her husband. “You knew she was coming and you didn’t tell me?” she protested.

“I didn’t KNOW,” Donald said triumphantly. “I arranged it! It was supposed to have been your anniversary surprise, but the flight was late… You’ve been complaining about how much you miss your only grandchild, so I sent her a plane ticket!”

“Oh, Don!” Betty cried, and put her arms around her husband. “I’m sorry! I thought… I started thinking crazy things…”

Donald and Betty renewed their vows. | Source: Unsplash

Donald and Betty renewed their vows. | Source: Unsplash

“Betty,” Donald said tenderly. “I haven’t looked at another woman in fifty years and I’m not about to start now.”

“Donald,” Betty said. “What did I do to deserve you?”

“I don’t know,” Don said. “But I can tell you we’re going to have a hell of a time getting all my stuff back in the house where it belongs!”

With Hannah’s help, Don and Betty got everything tidied up and sat down for a midnight snack. “By the way,” Donald said. “I have another surprise for you. Tomorrow night we’re having a party with all our children and all our friends. I’ve arranged for Father Bartholomew to be there so we can renew our vows.”

Betty and Donald had a wonderful anniversary party. | Source: Unsplash

Betty and Donald had a wonderful anniversary party. | Source: Unsplash

“But what am I going to wear?” gasped Betty.

“I don’t know about the dress, but I have a ring!” Don said, then he dropped down to one knee and pulled out a little jewelry box. “Betty Delancy Carmichael, will you marry me again?”

The next day, the Carmichaels celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in style and Betty looked lovely in a pretty cream suit and a little veil. As Donald kissed her, she vowed never to doubt him again as long as she lived.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, and doubt wears away at the love that holds it together. Betty started imagining that Don didn’t love her anymore, and didn’t realize he had a sweet surprise for her.
  • Marriage is about every single day, not just the special occasions. Betty forgot that Don was there for every difficult day and stood by her through thick and thin.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a man who was shocked and hurt when his wife of thirty years asked for a divorce even though he’d always been a faithful husband.

This account is inspired by our reader’s story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life.

Arrogant Neighbor Fills In My Pond – My Clever Retaliation Teaches Him Not to Underestimate an Elderly Lady

The grandchildren adore frolicking in it, and sometimes I jest they might favor the pond over me!

All was serene until Brian became my neighbor five years ago. Right from the start, he was troubled by my pond.

“Margaret!” he’d shout from beyond the fence. “Those frogs disrupt my sleep! Can’t you quiet them down?”

With a grin, I’d respond, “Oh, Brian, they’re merely serenading you. No charge at all!”

He continued to grumble. “What about the mosquitoes? Your pond is a breeding ground!”

“Now, Brian,” I’d retort, “my pond is spotless. Perhaps those mosquitoes are from the clutter in your own yard.”

He’d storm off, and I assumed he’d adjust over time. However, I misjudged.

One day, I took a short trip to visit my sister, expecting nothing more than leisurely chats and card games. I returned to a shocking sight that chilled me to the core.

Arriving home, the familiar glint of water was missing, replaced by soil. Heart plummeting, I rushed from my car.

My neighbor, kindly Mrs. Johnson, approached hastily. “Margaret! Thank goodness you’re here. I tried to halt them, but they claimed to have authorization!”

“Stop whom? What authorization?” I stammered, fixated on the muddy remnant of my once-beloved pond.

“A team arrived yesterday, tasked by a company to drain and fill your pond,” Mrs. Johnson explained. “I protested that you were away, yet they presented official documents!”

Feeling betrayed, I realized twenty years of cherished memories had vanished overnight. I knew who was responsible.

“Brian,” I clenched my fists, seething.

“What will you do?” Mrs. Johnson inquired, her expression laden with concern.

I straightened up. “Well, I’ll show him why you shouldn’t trifle with a woman like Margaret!”

Firstly, I contacted my family. My daughter Lisa was incensed. “Mom, this is unlawful! We should inform the authorities!”

“Just wait, dear,” I counseled.

“Let’s gather evidence first.”

Then, my perceptive granddaughter Jessie reminded, “Grandma! What about the wildlife camera in the oak tree? It might have recorded something!”

Indeed, that camera captured our ace in the hole.

The footage unmistakably showed Brian, directing the team to destroy my pond. He seemed pleased with his stealthy mischief.

“Caught you,” I smirked.

Brian presumed I would overlook his actions due to my age and solitude. He underestimated my resourcefulness.

I immediately phoned the local wildlife conservation office.

“Good day,” I began politely. “I need to report the ruin of a protected natural area.”

The agent sounded puzzled. “Protected area, ma’am?”

“Absolutely,” I continued. “My pond hosted an endangered fish species, registered with your office years ago. And it’s been filled in without any lawful clearance.”

The conservation office doesn’t take such matters lightly.

Shortly, they were at Brian’s doorstep, imposing a hefty fine that surely made him wince.

“Gentlemen, we’re here concerning the illegal obliteration of a protected site on your neighbor’s land,” they informed Brian.

Brian blanched. “What? Protected site? It was merely a pond!”

“A pond that housed a recognized endangered fish species, Mr. Thompson. You authorized its destruction without proper consent.”

“This is absurd!” Brian protested. “That old pond was an eyesore! I was cleaning up the neighborhood!”

“Unfortunately, that ‘cleanup’ has resulted in a $50,000 penalty for breaching environmental laws,” they countered.

Brian was aghast. “$50,000? You must be joking! That pond was—”

I savored his dismay from afar, but my plans were not yet complete.

I called my grandson Ethan, a sharp attorney in the city.

“Ethan, dear,” I said. “How about assisting your grandmother in dealing with a neighborhood tyrant?”

Eager to aid, Ethan swiftly served Brian with legal papers for property damage and emotional harm.

While I could have stopped there, one more move remained.

Brian’s wife Karen, who always seemed reasonable, returned from work one evening, and I seized the opportunity for a candid talk.

“Evening, Karen,” I greeted her. “Can we chat for a moment?”

She nodded, weary yet accommodating. “Of course, Margaret. What’s troubling you?”

Over tea, I unveiled the entire saga about the pond – its origins, the joyful memories, and the wildlife it supported.

Karen’s expression shifted from bewilderment to shock. “Margaret, I was unaware,” she exclaimed. “Brian claimed the city mandated the pond’s closure for safety!”

“Well,” I reassured her, patting her hand. “Now you understand the full story.”

Subsequently, the neighborhood was abuzz, and Brian vanished for a while after Karen confronted him about his deceit.

One morning, the buzz of machinery woke me. Peering outside, I was astonished to see a team working in my yard under Karen’s supervision.

“Morning, Margaret. I hope you don’t mind, but I thought it was time to rectify things,” Karen greeted me as the crew worked to restore my pond.

Karen confided about Brian’s other questionable dealings. “This was just him venting his frustrations,” she shared softly.

With the pond reinstated, the environmental charges were withdrawn. Ethan persuaded me to drop the lawsuit as well, always the diplomat.

As for Brian, he disappeared out of state, humbled and defeated. Karen, now a frequent visitor, helped me care for the revived pond, grateful for the chance to make amends.

One serene evening by the restored waters, Karen mused, “Margaret, I never imagined I’d appreciate Brian’s mistake.”

Curious, I asked, “Why is that?”

She grinned, clinking our iced tea glasses. “If he hadn’t interfered, I might never have discovered such an incredible neighbor.”

Here I am, 74 and invigorated, with a rejuvenated pond, a new ally, and a tale for future family gatherings. Life always surprises, doesn’t it?

And if there’s a moral here, it’s never to underestimate a grandmother with a resolve and a competent attorney!

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