One of the worse things is cancer, even more so when it’s concerning children.
Jonathan and Shelby thought that their daughter, Sophie, who is two years old, was suffering from allergies. She was finding it hard to breathe and her doctor thought it might be asthma. Unfortunately, it was soon going to be evident that it was much worse!
The little girl, Sophie was set to have an allergy test a few day later, but she didn’t get to take that test.
One night she stopped breathing…
For every parent it’s a worse case scenario, Her parents ran to call an ambulance and within minutes they were on their way to the hospital.
It was just at that moment that doctors finally confirmed that Sophie had a condition that was much worse than just asthma or allergies. She had developed cancer, a T-cell lymphoma.
Sophie has since then spent many months in hospital having chemotherapy, even though fighting it hard the cancer spread.
The treatment affected her ability to talk, walk, use her hands to eat, her tiny body is going through the preparations for a stem cell operation.
Shelby is keeping a constant watch over her daughter and is by her side constantly. So many times Shelby forgets to take care of herself, it’s just the only thought she has, to get Sophie better!
Jonathan and Shelby have created a Facebook page to record Sophie’s fight against the disease, they want friends and family alike to have an easy method to see updates on how Sophie is getting along. The page is called Sophie The Brave.
It’s not just family that follows the page, there are over 12,000 people following Sophie’s fight.
There is one post on the page that has especially been welcomed. Moms with sick children will also relate, very likely, to what Shelby’s said.
Shelby wrote:
“I see you. I sit on this couch all day long and, I see you. You try so hard to be unnoticed by me and my child. I see your face drop a little when she sees you and cries. You try so many ways to ease her fears and win her over. I see you hesitate to stick her or pull bandaids off. You say ‘No owies’ and ‘I’m sorry’ more times in one day than most people say ‘thank you’..”
“I see all of those rubber bracelets on your arms and wrapped around your stethoscope, each one for a child that you’ve cared for and loved. I see you stroke her little bald head and tuck her covers around her tightly. I see you holding the crying mom that got bad news.I see you trying to chart on the computer while holding the baby whose mom can’t-or won’t be at the hospital with her.”

“You put aside what’s happening in your life for 12 hours straight to care for very sick and something’s dying children. You go into each room with a smile no matter what’s happening in there. You see Sophie’s name on the schedule and come to check on us even when she isn’t your patient. You call the doctor, blood bank, and pharmacy as many times as necessary to get my child what she needs in a timely manner. You check on me as often as you check on her. You sit and listen to me ramble for 10 minutes even though your phone is buzzing and your to do list is a mile long.
“I see you. We all see you. No amount of snack baskets or cards can fully express how appreciated you are. You are Jesus to us every single day. Our children wouldn’t get what they need without you. Moms like me wouldn’t feel sane or heard without you. You save our babies and we couldn’t do this without you.”
Shelby got 26,000 likes on her post, its easy to see and understand why, all the amazing people at the hospital, the nurses, all deserve to be thanked and recognized for their great work.
Let’s all hope and pray that Sophie makes a fast recovery, and as it happens the family got some really great news, Sophie’s cancer is almost all gone!
Let’s also share Shelby’s words about the nursery and hospital staff so that more and more people can hear about the amazing work they do.
Mother births 3rd set of twins, but when she sees birth certificate she can’t believe her eyes

In a whirlwind of astonishing occurrences, a Wisconsin couple found themselves caught in the enigmatic thread of fate as they welcomed twins for the third time, all born on the exact same date.
Back in 2013, Carrie and Craig Kosinski were approached by a woman faced with the weighty decision of finding a loving home for the twins she was carrying. She confided: “I’m unable to provide the life these infants deserve”.
Sharing their journey with NBC’s “Today”, Carrie revealed that despite their initial aspirations for biological children, they embraced the prospect of adoption wholeheartedly.
In a testament to their unwavering faith, Carrie expressed: “We believed this was meant to be. We wholeheartedly embraced God’s plan, choosing adoption over our initial hopes for biological parenthood”.
Adalynn and Kenna made their entrance into the world via an emergency cesarean on February 28, 2014, the same date that marked the birthdays of their biological siblings, JJ and CeCe, born the year before.
Exactly a year after legally embracing Adalynn and Kenna, fate made another turn as the twins’ birth mother approached the Kosinskis once more, this time seeking adoption for JJ and CeCe. The couple embraced this opportunity without hesitation.
Surprising the Kosinskis yet again, September 2015 brought news of an unexpected pregnancy, twin babies. Carrie underwent an emergency cesarean on a date that stunned them, February 28, 2016. Though the due date was set for three months later, unforeseen circumstances led to an early water break, resulting in six weeks of hospital bed rest before the eventual surgery.
Despite the peculiar coincidence of all six children sharing the same birthdate, Carrie emphasized their individuality. Reflecting on this, she remarked: “Each child’s unique personality is a profound delight. Their differences lead us in six distinct directions, each revealing its own charm”.

Sharing their story, the Kosinski family aimed to broaden perspectives on adoption. Carrie elaborated: “Our belief in divine adoption into God’s family predisposed us to interpret this as a divine plan. These children are an immense blessing, equally and boundlessly loved. We seek no other existence”.
Their narrative swiftly circulated online, evoking a torrent of well-wishes and heartfelt sentiments. One reader wrote: “Heartiest congratulations to your remarkable family! May divine blessings light your path forever”. Another remarked: “Astounding, a profoundly moving tale that speaks volumes about destiny. Sharing a birthdate across different years, an authentically astonishing spectacle”.
Kindly be advised: The initial entreaty sought a reconfiguration of the text, infusing the elements of bewilderment and burstiness. The ensuing composition has undergone substantial rephrasing, featuring an elevated lexicon and structural enhancements, all while preserving the essential context and reference to the individuals mentioned.
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