My Husband Rewrote His Will behind My Back, and I Can’t Forgive Him — Story of the Day

My husband helped me raise my daughters, although he was not their biological father. In the end, he made a huge decision on his own that changed my life and ruined everything.


Years ago, I met Nicholas during the hardest time of my life. I was a single mother and had two daughters to feed. But we fell in love and got married in less than a year. We also moved into the most beautiful home I could imagine.

Nicholas had been divorced in the past and had a son he barely spoke to, Nick Jr. His ex-wife did everything in her power to stop Nicholas from seeing the kid. He hated her attitude and missed his son.

We moved into a beautiful house after our wedding. | Source: Shutterstock

We moved into a beautiful house after our wedding. | Source: Shutterstock

Therefore, he took on a fatherly role with my daughters and became the best dad they ever had. Eventually, they stopped calling him “stepfather.” He was just their dad. But that was more than 20 years ago. My daughters grew up and now have families of their own.


Luckily, my eldest, Darlene, gave us two grandchildren. Nicholas adored those boys, and they visited often. They came for lunch one Sunday, and I wanted to talk to Darlene about something serious. My husband had told me something the night before that I wasn’t sure I could deal with at all.

I thought it was unfair, but I wanted my daughter’s honest opinion. Luckily, Nicholas planned to take the kids to the park. “Ok, Alice, honey. See you later,” he said, giving me a worried look because he knew I had been thinking about last night.

I had to talk to Darlene about what her father did. | Source: Pexels

I had to talk to Darlene about what her father did. | Source: Pexels

“Mom, what’s going on?” Darlene asked when we were finally alone.

“Oh, Darlene. I don’t know what I’m going to do now. I don’t know if I’m being selfish or what,” I started.


“Tell me. We’ll figure things out,” she told me.

“Last night, your father revealed something that I’m not sure I can forgive. He willed this big mansion to his son, Nick,” I explained.

“What? I thought he hadn’t spoken to Nick in years,” Darlene said, confused.

“He hasn’t! Ever since that big fight where Nick called him all kinds of names because Nicholas wouldn’t give him money,” I added.

“But then, he’s giving him this house? You live here too. You guys are married,” Darlene continued.

Darlene couldn't believe Nicholes would do this.  | Source: Pexels

Darlene couldn’t believe Nicholes would do this. | Source: Pexels

“That’s the problem, sweetheart. He just made that decision on his own without telling me anything about it. He showed me the will last night. It has been notarized and everything,” I said. “He is also giving him all the money in his bank account.”


“I can’t believe Dad would do this,” Darlene said. “I mean…I wasn’t expecting anything for my sister or me. But he completely disregarded us…his family for 20 years.”

“That’s how I feel. Like after all this time, we were never his real family! His son has treated him horribly for so long, and I know that his horrible mother influenced him. But still…I don’t know what to do,” I finished and dried the tears running down my face.

We always had a seemingly great relationship. | Source: Pexels

We always had a seemingly great relationship. | Source: Pexels

“I’m just in shock. You guys have had the perfect relationship for so long. My husband and I talked about it all the time. I can’t believe Dad would do this,” Darlene muttered. “Let me call Rosaline. Let’s see what she thinks.”

“Dad did what?!” Rosaline yelled through the speakerphone. “I can’t believe it. I don’t want his money, but I can’t believe he wouldn’t want Mom to be set for life if anything happens.”


“Yeah, that’s how I feel,” Darlene told her sister. Meanwhile, I was still crying softly.

“Well, I’m sorry. I consider him my father, but I won’t tolerate this. Mom, you have rights to the house and the money. We are taking legal action NOW!” Rosaline exclaimed and hung up.

I didn't want to take legal action, but my daughters insisted. | Source: Pexels

I didn’t want to take legal action, but my daughters insisted. | Source: Pexels

“I didn’t want to take this any further. He’s my husband, and I know he wants to take care of Nick Jr. because he wasn’t there most of his life,” I told Darlene, hoping that she would convince her sister to back down.

“No, Mom. That wasn’t Dad’s fault or yours. What are you going to do if something happens? You would be left homeless and penniless. Rosaline is right. We have no option unless he changes his will,” Darlene coaxed.


“I’ll try to talk to him,” I said tentatively. But I knew Nicholas. I knew he wouldn’t change his mind. I talked to him that night after Darlene left with her kids. Nicholas wouldn’t budge, so I packed my things and went to stay at Rosaline’s house.

Our relationship was ruined, but at least, I wasn't homeless and penniless. | Source: Pexels

Our relationship was ruined, but at least, I wasn’t homeless and penniless. | Source: Pexels

We took him to court but gave him many chances to change his mind. In the end, Nicholas decided to sell the big house and give me half the price. I didn’t want to divorce him, but there was no other option. So I received half our savings as well.

He ruined our relationship. My daughters and I never saw him again. In the end, he didn’t consider us family at all.

What can we learn from this story?


  • Money troubles can ruin everything. Nicholas disregarded part of his family in favor of his son, and in the end, he ruined his marriage.
  • You have to protect yourself. Alice didn’t want to take her husband to court, but her daughters wanted to protect her.

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Littlе Girl’s Finаl Асt Оf Kindnеss Веfоrе Таking Неr Lifе Оn Тhе Рlаygrоund

The grieving parents of a young girl have honored her memory through an incredible act of generosity by donating her organs. Aurora Masters, a five-year-old, tragically раssеd аwау on May 13, following a freak accident that resulted in her accidental strangulation on a disc swing just five days earlier. Her family made the heart-wrenching decision to turn off her life support after doctors confirmed she had suffered fatal brain damage.

Tom and Krystal Masters, Aurora’s parents, revealed that her organs were donated to Donor Alliance, an organization dedicated to organ and tissue donation for transplantation in Colorado and most of Wyoming. “We know that Aurora’s heart is beating somewhere,” said Krystal, with Tom adding that this knowledge “genuinely helps” them cope with their immense grief.

Aurora’s family described the donation as a final act of kindness from a little girl who always wanted to help and lead. “I am proud of my daughter,” Krystal told KUSA. “I was already proud, but she’s still giving.”

A GoFundMe campaign has raised over $30,000, showing the outpouring of love and support from family and friends. The family wrote, “Our sweet Aurora Rae has once again demonstrated her ninja quality of bravery, partnering with the Donor Alliance to complete her giving of gifts. She is demonstrating the qualities of a black belt.”

Little Girl’s Final Act Of Kindness Before Taking Her Life On The Playground
The grieving parents of a young girl have honored her memory through an incredible act of generosity by donating her organs. Aurora Masters, a five-year-old, tragically раssеd аwау on May 13, following a freak accident that resulted in her accidental strangulation on a disc swing just five days earlier. Her family made the heart-wrenching decision to turn off her life support after doctors confirmed she had suffered fatal brain damage.

Tom and Krystal Masters, Aurora’s parents, revealed that her organs were donated to Donor Alliance, an organization dedicated to organ and tissue donation for transplantation in Colorado and most of Wyoming. “We know that Aurora’s heart is beating somewhere,” said Krystal, with Tom adding that this knowledge “genuinely helps” them cope with their immense grief.

Aurora’s family described the donation as a final act of kindness from a little girl who always wanted to help and lead. “I am proud of my daughter,” Krystal told KUSA. “I was already proud, but she’s still giving.”

A GoFundMe campaign has raised over $30,000, showing the outpouring of love and support from family and friends. The family wrote, “Our sweet Aurora Rae has once again demonstrated her ninja quality of bravery, partnering with the Donor Alliance to complete her giving of gifts. She is demonstrating the qualities of a black belt.”

A service in Aurora’s honor will be held on Saturday, June 8, at a local church. “Our hearts are shattered, and we continue the journey to honor and celebrate her worldly gifts,” the family shаrеd.

Aurora, from Fort Collins, was playing in her family’s garden when the accident happened. She had moved her small plastic slide close to a disc swing and somehow got her neck caught in the ropes while sliding down. This tragic incident led to her brain being starved of oxygen. Doctors at the Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora delivered the devastating news that she would not survive.

In the face of this tragedy, the Masters family found solace in the support of their extended family, with 19 members traveling from Wyoming and Nebraska to be by Aurora’s bedside. “We do know the power of family,” said her aunt Kennedy.

Aurora was pronounced dеаd on May 13. The family has struggled to comprehend how the accident occurred, as it seemed to happen while she was innocently playing on her own outside. Her aunt Kennedy explained, “She pulled her little plastic slide over to where her swing was and somehow got caught up in the swing, and the swing strangled her.”

Tom Masters spoke about how Aurora had reinvigorated his life when she was born. “She came along when I was in a really bad mental health place,” he told the Denver Post. “It felt likе there was something almost magical about her. I’m hearing all these stories that she was likе that for everybody.” He added, “She literally just had fun and went around and brought her light with her and gave it away for free.”

Krystal hopes Aurora’s story will inspire other families to cherish every moment with their children. “I guess what I would say to parents is: Love your kid every minute, have a dance party, and just live life. Because you never know when it’s going away.”

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