My Brother Makes Our Grandma Do Everything around the House — When I Saw Her Washing the Floors I Taught Him a Lesson

My Brother Makes Our Grandma Do Everything around the House — When I Saw Her Washing the Floors I Taught Him a Lesson

When Mike’s careless attitude toward his elderly grandmother reaches a boiling point, his sister devises a cunning plan to teach him a lesson. What starts as a simple party quickly unravels, exposing family tensions and leaving Mike humiliated in front of friends and family.

Hi! My name’s Mia, and here’s my story. My grandma moved into my brother’s house a few months ago after hers was sold. She needed money for medical bills, and living with him seemed like a great idea. She never complained about it, and I thought they were having a great time until I came to visit…

Mia cooks as her grandmother does the dishes | Source: Midjourney

Mia cooks as her grandmother does the dishes | Source: Midjourney

During my first week there, I saw my grandma cook, clean, do laundry, and tend to the yard day after day. Not once did my brother lift a finger to help. Despite Granny’s back problems, he told her to do more and more with this bored, entitled tone.

“Granny, can you iron my shirts?” he would call out from the living room.

“Sure, dear,” she would reply, forcing a smile.

Grandmother mowes the lawn | Source: Midjourney

Grandmother mowes the lawn | Source: Midjourney

“Granny, the yard needs mowing,” he would say while playing video games.

“Of course, I’ll get to it,” she would answer, wincing as she stood up.

One afternoon, I found her mopping the floors. Her hands were red and dry, with knuckles sticking through pale skin. She moved slowly, pain evident in every step. That’s when I broke down and decided I couldn’t stay quiet any longer.

Mia confronts her grandma | Source: Midjourney

Mia confronts her grandma | Source: Midjourney

“Grandma, why are you doing all this?” I asked, my voice trembling with anger. “You should be resting!”

She looked up, tired eyes meeting mine. “He needs help, dear. He’s busy with work.”

“Busy?!” I exploded. “He’s playing video games all day! This is not fair!”

Grandma sighed. “I don’t mind. It’s just a little work.”

Mike plays video games | Source: Midjourney

Mike plays video games | Source: Midjourney

But it wasn’t just a little work. It was too much for anyone, let alone an elderly woman with health issues. I knew I had to do something. I decided to organize a party, but not just any party. This would be a party with a twist.

The relationship between my brother and me had always been complicated. Growing up, Mike was the golden child, the one who could do no wrong.

Mike as a child | Source: Midjourney

Mike as a child | Source: Midjourney

He was a star athlete in high school, always surrounded by friends and admiration. I, on the other hand, was the quiet, bookish one. I didn’t mind staying out of the spotlight, but it did create a rift between us.

Our parents adored Mike and doted on him, often overlooking his flaws. They saw him as ambitious and driven, while I was seen as the responsible one.

I expected him to help out more around the house. This dynamic followed us into adulthood. When Grandma moved in, I hoped Mike would finally step up and take responsibility.

Mike laughs it off | Source: Midjourney

Mike laughs it off | Source: Midjourney

“Mike, can you at least help Grandma with the groceries?” I had asked one day when I called to check in.

He had laughed. “She’s fine, sis. She likes to stay busy.”

“She’s not a maid,” I had snapped back, frustration boiling over.

“Don’t be so dramatic,” he had replied dismissively.

The struggling grandma | Source: Midjourney

The struggling grandma | Source: Midjourney

Seeing Grandma now, struggling and in pain, I felt a mix of anger and sadness. Mike had always been self-centered, but this was a new low. I couldn’t stand by and watch any longer.

One evening, I sat down with Grandma after dinner. “Granny, you need to rest. You can’t keep doing all this.”

She patted my hand. “I’ll be fine, sweetie. I’ve handled worse.”

Mia talks to her grandma | Source: Midjourney

Mia talks to her grandma | Source: Midjourney

“But you shouldn’t have to,” I insisted. “Mike needs to learn to help out. This isn’t fair to you.”

She sighed, looking weary. “He’s just used to it. He’s always been like this.”

I shook my head. “That doesn’t make it right.”

As I thought about what to do, an idea formed in my mind. It was bold, maybe even a bit risky, but I knew it had to be done. Mike needed a wake-up call, and I was just the person to give it to him. He couldn’t keep getting away with treating Grandma like this. It was time for a change.

Mia has an idea | Source: Midjourney

Mia has an idea | Source: Midjourney

The plan started to take shape in my mind. I would organize a surprise for Mike, something that would make him see just how much work Grandma was doing. He needed to understand the weight of responsibility and the value of family. And I was determined to make sure he learned his lesson.

On her last day of staying there, I asked my brother Mike for a small party. He agreed, thinking it would be a good way to see old friends.

The party was planned for the evening before I left. Our high school friends, his football team, and even some nostalgic teachers were invited for a BBQ and a celebration.

Party invitation | Source: Midjourney

Party invitation | Source: Midjourney

As the time when everyone was supposed to arrive approached, I got busy with my plan. I yanked all of Mike’s clothes into the laundry bin and dirtied them with ketchup and dirt. He wouldn’t have anything clean to wear.

Next, I put clean dishes in the sink and covered them with soap and ketchup. I made sure to mess up everything Grandma had been doing for him all this time.

Mike was lounging on the couch, oblivious. “Hey, sis, can you get me a beer?” he called out.

Mia dirties the dishes | Source: Midjourney

Mia dirties the dishes | Source: Midjourney

I rolled my eyes. “Sure, Mike,” I said sweetly. I handed him the beer, knowing chaos was about to unfold.

As the first guests started to arrive, Mike finally noticed the mess. “What the heck happened here?” he muttered, looking around the kitchen. “Grandma, did you forget to clean up?”

Grandma, who was resting in the living room, looked confused. “I’m sorry, dear. I must have missed it.”

Mike sees his dirty laundry | Source: Midjourney

Mike sees his dirty laundry | Source: Midjourney

Mike huffed and went to the laundry room. He opened the bin and saw his clothes stained and dirty. “Seriously?” he grumbled. “I have nothing to wear!”

He stormed back into the kitchen, where I was setting out snacks. “What’s going on, sis? Why is everything a mess?” he demanded.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, Mike. Maybe you should ask Grandma.”

Mike tries to tidy up his house | Source: Midjourney

Mike tries to tidy up his house | Source: Midjourney

He groaned and grabbed a dirty shirt from the bin, reluctantly putting it on. Guests started coming in, and Mike was running around in his stained clothes, trying to clean up.

“Ugh, my grandma was supposed to clean this already,” he muttered to his friend, Tom. “Because of her, I have nothing to wear!”

Tom raised an eyebrow. “Dude, you’re thirty. Are you serious?” he asked, laughing.

High school friends laughing at Mike | Source: Midjourney

High school friends laughing at Mike | Source: Midjourney

Another friend, Jake, smirked. “Yeah, man. Do your own laundry. What’s wrong with you?”

Mike ignored them and kept trying to clean up. Grandma, despite her exhaustion, got up to help him. “I’m sorry, Mike. I can help now,” she said, grabbing a mop.

“You should have done this earlier, Grandma. Now everything’s ruined.”

Sad grandmother looks down | Source: Midjourney

Sad grandmother looks down | Source: Midjourney

The room fell silent as everyone watched the scene unfold. Mike’s angry speech echoed in the quiet house. “Why can’t you just do your job, Grandma?” he shouted.

People looked at him in disbelief. One of the old teachers, Mr. Parker, shook his head. “Mike, you should be ashamed. She’s your grandmother, not your maid.”

Mike’s face turned red. He looked around at the judgmental faces of his friends and family. Humiliated, he stomped upstairs and locked himself in his room.

Mad Mike | Source: Midjourney

Mad Mike | Source: Midjourney

I turned to Grandma, who looked upset. “Don’t worry, Grandma. Let’s enjoy the night,” I said, giving her a hug.

The guests slowly resumed their conversations, the awkwardness fading away. We enjoyed the BBQ, shared stories, and had a good time. Grandma finally relaxed and laughed with her old friends.

Family enjoying a barbecue | Source: Pexels

Family enjoying a barbecue | Source: Pexels

As the evening went on, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Mike needed to understand what Grandma had been going through. Hopefully, this would be a wake-up call for him to change his ways.

Grandma smiled at me. “Thank you, dear,” she said softly. “I hope he learns from this.”

Mia hugs her grandmother | Source: Midjourney

Mia hugs her grandmother | Source: Midjourney

“I think he will,” I replied, looking up at the darkened window where Mike had retreated. “He has to.”

Florida man arrested for vulgar sticker on truck

Florida man was arrested for displaying an obscene bumper sticker on the back of his truck, one that either expressed his sexual preferences, or his love for a four-legged animal.

After Dillon Shane Webb was told the sticker was “derogatory,” he claimed his freedom of expression was violated, and the deputy’s office asked if he was using his free speech to express his desire of “eating a donkey.”

Keep reading to learn why Webb was arrested over a bumper sticker!

In 2019, a Columbia County sheriff’s deputy was driving behind a pickup truck when he noticed a vulgar sticker plastered on the middle of the rear window.

Dashcam footage shows Deputy Travis English stopping his cruiser in a parking lot behind the brown pickup, operated by Dillon Shane Webb, 23, with the bumper sticker in clear view.

The letters on the sticker – printed in bold white – reads, “I EAT A**.”  

In the video, the deputy approaches the passenger side of the truck and after saying, “hello gentleman,” he explains that he pulled the car over due to “the derogatory sticker” displayed on the back of his truck.

In Florida, law prohibits “any sticker, decal emblem or other device attached to a motor vehicle containing obscene descriptions, photographs or depictions.”

“How’s it derogatory?” Webb asks from inside the car.

The officer replies, “How’s it not derogatory?”

“Some 10-year-old kid sitting in the passenger seat of his momma’s vehicle looks over and sees ‘I eat a**’ and asks his mom what it means,” English says. “How is she going to explain that?”

Sniping back, the driver provides the wrong answer: “That’s the parent’s job, not my job,” Webb says before he’s asked to present his driver’s license and registration.

After stepping out of the vehicle, Webb is searched, and the deputy tells him the sticker is a “misdemeanor violation of Florida’s obscene materials law.”

“I have four kids…if my 6-year-old was to look at me and like, ‘dad what does I eat a** mean?…he’s curious…and the way [you] handled this situation, I’m not pleased with,” English said before offering Webb the opportunity to explain his sticker to the court system.

Next, the deputy suggests Webb remove one of the letters from the word “A**” to read “AS.” But Webb refused, citing his constitutional right to free speech.

A few minutes later, things take a nasty turn for Webb.

After confirming with his supervisor that he had reasonable rights within the law, English steps out of his cruiser and approaches Webb, who’s leaning against his car, looking at his cellphone.

“All right Mr. Webb. Place your hands behind your back,” Webb is told. When he asks “why?” he learns “because you’re going to jail.”

Asking “for what?” English explains that he was given “the option to take that off” the window, but he “refused.”

He was then arrested and charged with the additional offense of “resisting an officer without violence.”

‘Perverted mind’

“They’re just words,” Webb later told First Coast News. “If that’s how they feel, if they have a perverted mind, that’s on them.”

But according to Sergeant Murray Smith of the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, it wasn’t just the words on the sticker that Deputy English determined was illegal.

“It was the obscene phrase depicting what the deputy thought was a sexual act, which is obscene by definition,” said Smith. “What would a reasonable citizen think? Is the guy eating a donkey or is he doing a sexual act?”

The incident captured the attention of a lot of social media users, the majority who defended Webb.

“So what if he eats donkey. What’s the big deal?” asks one netizen. Another, referring to English speaking of his child’s potential reaction to the sticker, says, “Since when are a cop’s feelings deserving of an arrest?”

“I live here and as soon as we heard he got arrested we all went and got the sticker and put it on [our] trucks,” pens a third.

Another adds, “He better keep his kids off the internet. They will see far worse than this.”

The State Attorney’s Office cited the First Amendment and the charges against Webb were dropped. Later, Webb sued for alleged violations of his First Amendment and Fourth Amendment rights, but U.S. District Judge Marcia Morales Howard of the Middle District of Florida ruled that the arrest was “arguably justified under Florida’s obscenity law,” giving the officer and his supervisor “qualified immunity,” which means they are protected from the lawsuit.

This case underscores the ongoing debate in the U.S. over free speech and its boundaries, especially around expressions some might find offensive or derogatory. It also reflects how the First Amendment remains a contentious issue, with some insisting their right to free expression is under threat, while others argue for consideration that certain messages will have on the population.

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