Mom of rare twins with Down syndrome shuts down critics with photo showing how beautiful they are

While the chances of giving birth to twins increased 72 percent between 1980 and 2018, it’s still pretty rare. About 33 out of every 1,000 births are twins.

And what are the chances of identical twins? Approximately every three or four births out of every 1,000 are identical twins. So again, relatively rare.

When 23-year-old Savannah Combs found out she was pregnant with twins, she was thrilled. And then she learned another rarity, they both had Down syndrome.

Of course, it was emotional news. Savannah and her husband, Justin Ackerman, knew that some people would judge her and her babies because of their condition.

But to Savannah, that’s what makes them incredibly precious.

“It’s very rare what they have, but they’ve been my little gems,” she told News4JAX.

Savannah, who is from Middleburg, Florida, shared her post-pregnancy journey with her daughters Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, on TikTok where they quickly gained a following.

In one of her videos, Savannah said she was told to abort her babies because they would not make it.

She decided to keep them and give them a fighting chance.

”Every [prenatal] appointment they were alive was a blessing to me,” Savannah explained.

When she learned they both had Down syndrome, her husband was away at boot camp.

Savannah was 29 weeks pregnant when she was admitted to the hospital, and delivered her daughters. The identical twin girls, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, were born on May 12, 2021.

The twins arrived two months before their due date, so they had to spend several weeks in the NICU before they came home.

They’re called mono di twins, meaning that they had their own sacs, but they shared the same placenta, meaning that they were going to be identical,” she said.

“Mo di twins as it is, it’s like very rare. And then you throw Down syndrome on top of it, it’s like one in 2 million.”

Despite their rare condition, Savannah said they are just like any other child.

“They have feelings. They have a beating heart. They know how to talk. They know how to do things you do. They will get there,” she said.

“Like I said, it may be a step behind but they’re going to do it. I’ve learned these kids are feisty little things and happy little things.”

Black Man Holds White Baby, Close Look Tells State Of ‘Race Relations’

A photograph of a black man holding a white baby has gone viral on social media. As viewers began to realize what was really happening in the snapshot, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“So a lot of people like this picture. So I wanted to take a minute to tell the story,” Facebook user Cody Shugart captioned a snapshot of his son sitting in the lap of a black man. Shugart went on to identify the black man as Milton West, who was his childhood next door neighbor. Shugart had many a good memory with Milton West at the center.

Milton West was my childhood next door neighbor,” wrote Shugart. “I knew him as Mr. Chip. He retired from DOW chemical as an operator. He has always been there for me since I was two years old. Growing up without a father was always difficult for me. But the good lord surrounded me with great men, Mr.Chip was one of them.”

“He constantly preached the value of an education, taught me how to take care of a yard, he taught me to see people for who they are not what they look like, he taught me how to treat my mother like a saint and many other life lessons,” added Shugart. “His contributions to me becoming a good son, man, and father were huge. I am forever grateful for God putting him in my life.”

“Everyday, I read something negative and how race relations are worse than ever. I disagree, and I hope this is a positive loving message to many people. This is just one story in little ol Victoria, Texas. I’m sure there are millions of similar stories across the United States,” he concluded.

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