A 17-year-old boy who works part-time at Pizza Hut drives up to park in front of the house in a beautiful Porsche

A 17–year–old boy working a part–time job at Pizza Hut shocked his parents when he drove up to their house in a glossy Porsche. Their eyes wide with surprise, they immediately grilled him.

“Where did this car come from?” they inquired, voice tinged with astonishment.

“I picked it up today,” responded the boy, unfazed.

His mother, increasingly anxious, pressed on, “How on earth did you manage to buy a Porsche? We know the hefty price tag on those, and your job certainly doesn’t cover it!”

Coolly, the boy detailed, “It’s second-hand, and the deal was too good to pass up. It cost me just 20 dollars.”

Aghast, his mother asked, “Who would sell a Porsche for just 20 dollars?”

“A woman a few doors down,” he explained. “She’s a recent arrival to our street. When I delivered her pizza, she offered to sell me the Porsche for 20 dollars.”

Perplexed and concerned, his parents made their way to the woman’s house, seeking clarity. They found her serenely gardening.

The father, attempting to stay calm, stated, “We are the parents of the young man you sold a Porsche to for 20 dollars. We’re here to find out why.”

The woman paused her gardening, looked them in the eye, and explained, “This morning, my husband phoned me. I assumed he was in Florida for business, but actually, he has eloped to Hawaii with his secretary and plans to stay there.”

Bewildered, the boy’s mother queried, “What does that have to do with selling a Porsche for 20 dollars?”

The woman, cracking a wry smile, responded, “He asked me to sell his Porsche and send him the proceeds. So, I simply did as he requested.”

America’s “most inbred family” has apologized after the person who brought their story to light claimed they had been dishonest the entire time.

America’s ‘most inbred family’ have issued an apology to the man who uncovered them.

Photographer Mark Laita discovered the Whittaker family about 20 years ago, but he didn’t start filming their lives right away.

He stayed in contact with them and went back to their home in Odd, West Virginia, to begin filming in 2020.

\The family consists of three siblings named Lorraine, Timmy, and Ray. Their parents were reportedly first cousins.

The family live on a farm in Odd, West Virginia (Soft White Underbelly/YouTube)

After the Whittaker family appeared on Mark Laita’s Soft White Underbelly YouTube channel, they got a lot of attention and were labeled as “the most inbred family” in the U.S.

Although Mark had a good relationship with them, he decided to end it after discovering they had been lying to him.

The family told Mark that 67-year-old Larry Whittaker had died earlier this year. Mark helped them raise money for the funeral and even gave $1,000 of his own money.

However, Larry wasn’t actually dead. When Mark found out, the family apologized for lying, but they went on to deceive him again.

Mark had been told that Larry – pictured – had died (Soft White Underbelly/YouTube)

The photographer, Mark Laita, gave Larry Whittaker $700 to help him take his daughter BJ to North Carolina to start a new life. But Larry didn’t do that and kept the money for himself.

Even though Mark said he wasn’t going to see the Whittakers anymore, he visited them over the summer. He filmed the visit and posted it on YouTube this month. In the video, Larry shakes Mark’s hand and apologizes for everything that happened.

“It’s been a long time,” Larry says to Mark. “I’m sorry for what they did to you, and I want to tell the world that I’m sorry.”

Mark accepts the apology and says he missed them. “I’m very good at forgiving and understanding,” Mark shared. “I’ve missed you guys, and I think my viewers have missed you too.” He even joked that the Whittakers probably missed the money they made from being on his YouTube channel.

Now that they’re on speaking terms again, Mark set up another GoFundMe for the family in late August. So far, the page has raised a little over $600 out of a $100,000 goal. The money will go toward helping the family with living expenses and taking care of their home.

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