15 Pics That Prove Genes Can Be Very Powerful

We all have about 22,000 genes and sometimes we share enough genes with our family to be an almost identical copy of them. Although there may be 50 years between the 2 photos, their faces look the same thanks to the magic of these genes. There are some people who are carbon copies of their relatives, confirmed by their photos that simply blow us away.

Bright Side would like to share with you just how cool our genes can be with some exceptional photos we found.

1. “My mom and sister, both at age 6”

2. “My mom (left) age 4 in 1971. Me (right) age 4 in 2001. I see why people say we look alike.”

3. Grandmother 1941 and granddaughter 1999, same genes

4. “Me, 1992. Mom, 1954.”

5. “Here’s me and my fraternal twin.”

6. “Me on the left (circa ’90s, Canada) and my grand-dad (circa ’40s, Ireland).”

7. “My old man and me at the same age, 35 years apart.”

8. “Me in 1971 and my son in 1994”

9. “My mother at age 21 (L) and me at age 27.”

10. “My father, age 24 in 1951. And 24-year-old me.”

11. “I always knew that my mom and sister looked alike, but seeing them side by side is uncanny.”

12. “My brother (2016) and my grandfather (1948)”

13. “I’ve been told a lot that I look like my Finnish grandma.”

14. “My dad 1958… Me 1988.”

15. “Side-by-side comparison of my identical twin and me.”

Who do you look most like in your family? Share a photo of someone you look like so that we can compare!

It sounds simple, but many people struggle with it.

Riddles aren’t just for fun; they also help us improve our critical thinking skills.

Whether we’re solving puzzles that use metaphors, wordplay, math problems, logic challenges, or visual riddles, we need to take our time to find the answers. Most of these riddles are tricky, even if they seem easy at first.

Overall, solving riddles exercises our minds in different ways, which is why many people enjoy them.

Below is a picture of several people on a bus. There are a few men sitting down: one is listening to music, another is on his phone, and the third is reading a newspaper. There are also three women: a young lady, an elderly woman, and a pregnant woman.

But something looks like it’s missing from the photo.

Can you guess what it is?

If you guessed correctly, great job!

If not, take another look and try again.

The answer is below…

What’s missing is “CHIVALRY.”

Easy, right? If you want to think a bit more, here’s another one.

If you loved this riddle PLEASE share it with your family and friends on Facebook.

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