When My MIL Handed Me a ‘Good Wife’ Rulebook on My Wedding Day, My Husband Got Rich!

You think you’re entering a dream when you marry the person you love. But that dream can quickly become a nightmare when you receive a list of rules about how to be a “good wife.” This is where my revenge started.

As a child, I always imagined that marriage would be different. I pictured Sunday mornings in bed, sharing laughs and secrets, and a partnership based on love and respect. But reality has a strange way of surprising you.

Source: Midjourney

Dan and I had just gotten married. The wedding was perfect—small, intimate, everything I had always dreamed of. For a while, it felt like a fairy tale. Dan was kind and funny, and I truly believed we shared the same ideas about how we wanted to live our lives together. That was until Karen, his mother, gave me a gift after the ceremony.

Source: Midjourney

I remember standing in our living room, still feeling happy from the wedding, when Karen came up to me with her “special” present.

“This is for you, Lucia. A little something to help you as you start your new role.” She handed me a fancy box with a big smile, but her eyes didn’t match her cheerful expression.

Inside the box was a neatly folded piece of paper. When I opened it, my mouth dropped. At the top, in bold letters, it said: “How to Be a Good Wife for My Son.”

At first, I laughed, thinking it was a joke. Maybe Karen was making fun of those old-fashioned ideas about marriage.

Source: Midjourney

But as I kept reading, my smile faded. It was a real list—actual rules I was supposed to follow as Dan’s wife.

I looked at Dan, hoping he’d be as shocked as I was, but he was busy opening his own gift. A check. A big one, too. And me? I got a rulebook.

Later that evening, Dan came to me with a sheepish grin. “You got the rules my mom gave you, didn’t you?” he asked, as if it were just a casual suggestion, not a guide for a life of serving him.

“Yep… I did,” I replied, trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice but not succeeding.

Dan shifted awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. “Well, you know, that’s just how it is now. Marriage is different from dating.”

Source: Midjourney

I stared at him, waiting for him to smile, to say it was all a joke. But he didn’t.

“Wait… You’re serious?” I asked, looking at him like I didn’t recognize the man I had just married.

He shrugged. “It’s just how things are. Mom says it’s important to keep order, you know?”

I bit my lip, holding back a sharp reply. Keep order. That’s how they saw me now?

After Dan fell asleep, I read through the list again, my hands shaking with anger. I couldn’t believe the nerve.

Source: Midjourney

At 6 a.m., I had to be fully dressed and made up, cooking a hot breakfast for Dan. No veggies, no milk, no butter—he only likes plain eggs and toast. The toast must be perfectly golden brown, and it has to be served on a blue plate because the green one ruins his appetite.

Do all the grocery shopping myself. Dan hates shopping, and it’s no place for a man. Always buy his favorite beer, but not too much—just enough for football nights, but not so much he gets lazy. And I had to carry everything in myself because it’s unladylike to ask for help.

After dinner, the kitchen had to be spotless before Dan even left the dining room. Men shouldn’t see a mess; they must enter a clean space. And always stack the plates by size, wiping the counters twice because Dan hates crumbs.

Source: Midjourney

Dress conservatively when Dan’s friends come over. We don’t want them thinking I’m too “modern” or that I’m not the “right kind of wife.” A good wife never wears anything above the knee, and the neckline should always be high. Anything else would embarrass Dan in front of his buddies.

Make sure Dan never does his laundry. A good wife always has fresh, ironed clothes ready, and socks folded just right—three folds, not two—because that’s how Dan likes them. He should never have to pick out mismatched socks or wear a wrinkled shirt. It reflects poorly on me if he does.

By the time I finished reading, I was furious. This wasn’t just outdated advice; it was a full-on expectation that I cater to Dan’s every wish like I had no other purpose.

And the worst part? Dan was okay with it. He hadn’t even reacted when I mentioned the rules.

I felt trapped, but I wasn’t going to let them get away with this. If they wanted to play this game, I’d play along, but on my terms.

The morning after I read Karen’s list, I woke up at 6 a.m., just like the rules said. I got out of bed, put on my makeup, and slipped into a nice dress.

Source: Midjourney

I looked at myself in the mirror, quietly laughing at how silly this all was. But if Karen wanted me to play this part, I would—just with a twist.

I went downstairs and made breakfast, just like the rules said: plain toast and eggs. But I didn’t stop there. I took the tiniest slice of toast and a plain boiled egg and put them on Dan’s huge blue plate. The plate was so big that the small meal looked ridiculous.

I carefully set it on the table, smiling sweetly as Dan walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

He looked at the plate, confused. “Isn’t there… anything else?”

I shook my head, smiling brightly. “Just following the rules. Plain eggs and toast! Want me to make another slice?”

Dan sighed, picking up the toast. “No… this is fine.”

I stood there watching him eat the driest breakfast ever, trying not to laugh. Oh, this was going to be entertaining.

Later that afternoon, I made a big show of going to the grocery store. I took my reusable bags and left the house, making sure Dan saw me go by myself, just like the rules said.

When I got back, I carried in all the bags myself, even the heavy ones. Dan watched from the couch, clearly uncomfortable but saying nothing. As I unpacked, he frowned.

“Where’s the beer? Did you forget it?” he asked.

“Oh no, I didn’t forget,” I said cheerfully. “I just didn’t want you getting lazy. Besides, sparkling water is good for you!”

I pulled out a six-pack of sparkling water, a big bottle of green juice, and some quinoa, knowing he wouldn’t touch any of them. Dan’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything. I could see he was starting to realize something was off, but I was just getting started.

Source: Midjourney

After dinner, I followed the other rules in the letter. I wiped down the counters, washed the dishes, and cleaned the kitchen—but not really.

Instead of putting everything back where it belonged, I rearranged the whole kitchen. Plates went in the bathroom cupboard, utensils in the laundry room, and the toaster? I put that in the hall closet.

Dan came into the kitchen, looking around in confusion. “Why is everything all over the place?”

I turned to him with a worried look. “I’m doing my best! Maybe I need to wipe the counters three times instead of two?”

He blinked at me, totally confused, but he let it go. The fun was just beginning.

When Dan’s friends came over for football night a few days later, I made sure to follow Karen’s rule about dressing modestly. I dug through my closet and found the most old-fashioned outfit I could: a long skirt, high-collared blouse, and a buttoned-up cardigan that looked like something from the 1800s.

As soon as Dan’s friends arrived, I walked into the living room with a tray of snacks. His friends looked me up and down, confused but polite enough not to say anything.

Dan pulled me aside as soon as he could, whispering, “You know you don’t have to dress like that, right?”

I widened my eyes innocently. “But your mom said I have to dress modestly. We wouldn’t want them getting the wrong idea about me, would we?”

Dan’s friends exchanged awkward glances, but I kept smiling sweetly. The look on Dan’s face was priceless; he was starting to see that I was flipping this whole “good wife” idea upside down, and he was stuck going along with it.

Laundry day came, and I followed the rules again, but with a twist. I washed all of Dan’s clothes together: whites, darks, colors—everything went in one load. When I pulled them out, his once-clean shirts were now a lovely shade of pink, and his socks were either shrunk or mismatched.

Source: Midjourney

Dan opened his drawer the next morning, pulling out one wrinkled pink shirt after another. “What happened to my clothes? These socks don’t even match!”

I walked in with an apologetic look. “Oh no! I must’ve messed up. I’ll try folding them in threes next time, just like the rules say.”

He groaned, putting on his mismatched socks before heading to work, completely defeated. I couldn’t help but smile.

By the end of the week, Dan had had enough. He was trying to eat yet another bland breakfast when Karen arrived, her usual smile on her face. She sat at the table, looking pleased.

“Lucia, I’m so glad to see you following the rules! Isn’t life easier now?”

I laughed quietly. “Oh, Karen, you have no idea.”

Dan slammed his fork down, surprising both of us. “Mom, we need to talk.”

Karen blinked, confused. “Talk about what?”

“These rules… they’re crazy,” Dan said, his voice rising. “I’m miserable, Lucia’s miserable, and this isn’t how we’re going to live.”

Karen looked shocked. “But, Dan, I just want to make sure you’re taken care of! I thought this was how marriage should be!”

Dan shot me a glance, and I shrugged. I was just following the rules, right?

“We need to find our own way,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re my wife, not my maid.”

Karen’s face fell, her smile fading. “I was just trying to help. I didn’t mean to upset you both…”

But it was too late. The damage was done. We spent the next few days talking about what we wanted our marriage to look like, finally finding a balance between his mom’s outdated ideas and our modern life.

The change didn’t happen overnight, but eventually, we found a way to laugh about the whole ordeal, especially when Dan had to explain to his mom why he was now making breakfast for me on Saturdays.

Karen never brought up the rules again, and I made sure to return the fancy box she gave me, filled with the crumpled paper and an assortment of mismatched socks. I told her I didn’t need them anymore.

Looking back, I can’t help but think that her gift, while ridiculous, actually brought us closer together. Dan and I learned how to communicate better, and we established what we wanted from our marriage without anyone else’s rules getting in the way.

Son puts mother in nursing home, returns home and finds his suitcases on the doorstep

Joe believed he did the best thing for his ailing mother when he placed her in a nursing home. His fiancée, Emily, was the one who convinced him it was for the best for everyone if the elderly lady was out of her home. “You did the right thing,” she said with a grin on her face. “Your mom will have a better life in the nursing home…and we can turn her old crafts room into a lovely nursery for our baby.”

However, upon returning from the nursing home, Joe and Emily were shocked to see some people moving the furniture from their house. They rushed to inspect what was going on, still shocked from the sight.

“What the heck is going on over here?” Joe yelled as he exited the car and ran towards the porch. “Hey, who are you…and what are you doing in my house?”

“You must be Joe!” the man replied. “I knew you would come. By the way, this isn’t your house anymore! Your mom sold it to us. Here are the papers…and there’s your stuff.”

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Joe was looking in confusion, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing and was unable to move. But Emily acted. She grabbed the paper from the man’s hand and started analyzing the agreement. Her facial expression said it was true. Joe’s mom really sold the house.

“You fool!” she yelled. “Your mother tricked you right under your nose…and you had no clue? Everything is ruined now.”

“Emily…don’t say that. I don’t understand why Mom did this. But we still have each other. We can…”

“There’s no more WE, you loser! Forget about me,” she said as she pulled the ring and threw it on the ground.

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Joe ran after her, pleading, “Wait…what about our baby?”

But Emily laughed at his face as she replied, “You’re so stupid! There’s no baby. Now get out of my way.”

“Wha—what do you mean? Emily…Emily? Stop….” Joe called out, but she left the place and left his life.

Heartbroken, Joe stood on the porch and that’s when he noticed a letter under one of the boxes.

It was from his mother.

“Dear Joe,

I’m sorry this happened. I wish I never had to take such drastic steps. But you left me with no other choice. It all started the day you first brought Emily home… the letter started.

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Some weeks ago…

The decision to sell the house was made weeks ago, while Joe’s mom, Nora, was resting in her armchair.

Joe entered the place, and there was a woman with him, Emily. “…Joe is so funny…and charming,” Emily chuckled as she sat next to Joe on the couch. “I couldn’t say no when he first asked me on a date to the funfair.”

“It’s been just three weeks…but it feels like we’ve known each other for ages. That’s why I insisted Emily move in with me,” Joe said with visible delight in his eyes.

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Her son’s words stunned Nora. She needed time to compose herself as she placed her oxygen mask on her face.

“I’m sorry if this has come as a shock, Mom,” Joe rubbed Nora’s shoulder. “Things might seem sudden…but trust me…Emily is the one for me. We’re soulmates!”

Nora turned to Emily, took her hand, and said, “Emily, darling, if you don’t mind, can you please make me some tea, dear? The warmth soothes my throat. The kitchen is that way…”

As Emily left the room to make some tea, Joe looked at his mother and whispered, “Isn’t she the best, Mom?”

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“She seems like a lovely girl. But don’t you think you’re taking things a bit fast, Joey?”

“Mom, I understand your concerns. I didn’t want to tell you everything because of your health. But you deserve to know…I’m planning to propose to Emily this weekend.”

As expected, Nora believed that was way too soon since Joe knew Emily only for a few weeks.

“Mom, relax. You’re the one who taught me to fight for love. That’s what you and Dad did when you eloped, right?”

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“But, Joey, that and this are entirely different.”

“Mom, I love Emily. I can’t live without her. Please trust me… she will be a great wife and a wonderful daughter-in-law.”

This sudden rushing didn’t give Nora peace.

However, when Emily moved in the following day, things seemed to have fallen into place as she and Nora got along well. The two knitted together, watched documentaries, and chatted.

Nora started to like her soon to be daughter-in-law until one night, when she woke up at midnight to take her pills, she heard Nora talking to someone over the phone and saying, “That old crone and her oxygen machine… she is such a thorn in my way… but Joe is madly hooked on me. So I should be able to get rid of her soon.”

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Nora froze. At that moment she wondered what could Emily possibly do to get rid of her, but then Emily continued, “Just a lil sweet talk, and he should agree to stick his mother in a nursing home. Then, I’ll kick him out, and this house will be mine!”

Nora’s initial plan was to tell her son what she had heard, but she knew he was too smitten with his girlfriend to trust her.

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Over the course of the next couple of days, Emily acted as though she enjoyed Nora’s company.

One day, however, Joe approached Nora and told her they needed to talk.

“It’s about Emily…” Joe said.

“Oh, dear, I’m so sorry things didn’t work out between you two…”

But Joe frowned. “What? Things are great between Emily and me, Mom. I’ve never been happier.

“Actually, Mom…” Joe swallowed hard. “…Emily’s been running her own business while working through the temp agency. She needs help with buying more machinery. But she can’t afford it right now. So I’d like to help her…but there’s only one way to get the money I need.”

“What is it, Joe?” Nora asked dreadfully.

“Mom, you know…your health isn’t improving. I think you need a better place where you’re cared for well…I think it’s time you moved into a nursing home.”

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“Mom, it’ll be comfortable there,” said as he squeezed his mom’s hand. “…and if you agree to sell your house, I can put that money in Emily’s business. I promise to repurchase this property as soon as we see a return on the investment.”

Feeling betrayed, Nora said with sadness in her voice, “I don’t want to leave…my home.”

“Mom, I’m just trying to look out for you. Please…” Joe pleaded.

Knowing there was not much that she could do at that moment, Nora nodded her head.

“I’ll think about it, Joey. Just give me some time,” she said.

Nora needed time in order to be able to put her plan of revealing Emily’s true face into action.

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The following day, Nora’s knitting was interrupted by the front door creak. As she looked towards the window, Nora saw Emily exiting the house.

Although she hadn’t driven in a long time, Nora decided to follow Emily.

After some time, Emily parked her car and entered a coffee place where she met with a man. A few minutes later, they started kissing passionately. Nora took her phone to film them, but at that moment, they stopped kissing and could only be seen holding hands.

“Joey, I’m sorry for bothering you at work…but this is important. Can you meet me outside the café on the corner of 3rd Street?” Nora called her son.

Joe arrived after around 10 minutes and Nora told him what she had witnessed.

“Look there, Joey,” Nora pointed toward the café window. “Emily is cheating on you.”

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Raged, Joe stormed inside the place.

“What the heck is going on here??” he slammed the table, startling Emily and her lover. “How long have you been seeing this chump behind my back?”

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