My Husband Tried to ‘Fix’ Me with a New Schedule—My Epic Response Left Him Speechless

I was shocked when my husband, Jake, handed me a schedule to help me “become a better wife.” But instead of losing my temper, I decided to play along. Little did Jake know, I was about to teach him a lesson that would make him rethink his new idea of marriage.

I’ve always been the calm and reasonable one in our relationship. Jake, on the other hand, can easily get caught up in new trends or ideas, whether it’s a hobby or a YouTube video that claims to change his life in just a few easy steps.

Jake and I were fine until he met Steve. Steve was the type of guy who thought being loud made him right. He’d talk over anyone who tried to correct him. He was also always single (no surprise there), but that didn’t stop him from giving relationship advice to all his married friends, including Jake. Jake, who should’ve known better, was impressed by Steve’s confidence.

I didn’t worry about it much at first, but then Jake started saying things like, “Steve says marriages work best when the wife handles the household,” or “Steve thinks women should always look good for their husbands, no matter how long they’ve been married.” I’d roll my eyes and make sarcastic comments, but it was bothering me. Jake was changing. He’d raise an eyebrow if I ordered takeout instead of cooking, and he’d sigh if I let the laundry pile up—forgetting that I also had a full-time job.

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Then one night, it happened. Jake came home with The List.

He sat me down, unfolded a piece of paper, and slid it across the table. “I’ve been thinking,” he began, sounding condescending in a way I’d never heard before. “You’re a great wife, Lisa, but there’s room for improvement.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Oh really?”

He nodded, not realizing he was walking into dangerous territory. “Yeah, Steve helped me realize that our marriage could be even better if you, you know, stepped up a bit.”

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I looked at the paper in front of me. It was a schedule, titled “Lisa’s Weekly Routine for Becoming a Better Wife.” Jake had actually written out a plan for me based on what Steve—a single guy with no relationship experience—thought I should do to “improve” as a wife.

I was supposed to wake up at 5 a.m. every day to make Jake a gourmet breakfast, then go to the gym to “stay in shape.” After that? Cleaning, laundry, ironing—all before heading to work. Every evening, I was to cook dinner from scratch and make snacks for Jake and his friends when they came over. It was sexist and insulting on so many levels, I didn’t know where to start. I just stared at Jake, wondering if he had lost his mind.

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“This will be great for you, and us,” he continued, unaware.

“Steve says it’s important to have structure, and I think you could benefit from—”

“Benefit from what?” I interrupted, keeping my voice calm. Jake blinked, surprised, but quickly recovered.

“Well, from having some guidance and a schedule.”

I wanted to throw the paper in his face, but instead, I surprised myself—I smiled.

“You’re right, Jake,” I said sweetly. “I’m lucky you made me this schedule. I’ll start tomorrow.”

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He looked relieved, and I almost felt sorry for him as I stuck the list on the fridge. Almost. He had no idea what was coming.

The next day, I looked at the ridiculous schedule and smiled. If Jake thought he could hand me a list of “improvements,” he was about to learn a lesson. I opened my laptop and started a new document titled, “Jake’s Plan for Becoming the Best Husband Ever.” If he wanted perfection from me, there was a cost.

I started by listing all the things he’d suggested for me, beginning with the gym. “$1,200 for a personal trainer,” I typed, barely holding back a laugh.

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Next was the food. If Jake wanted gourmet meals, that wasn’t happening with our current grocery budget. Organic, non-GMO, free-range everything? That wasn’t cheap. “$700 per month for groceries,” I wrote. And if he wanted fancy meals, he’d need cooking lessons too—those were expensive.

I leaned back, laughing as I imagined his face when he saw this. But I wasn’t done. The best part was yet to come.

There was no way I could manage all these demands and keep my job. If Jake wanted me to follow his absurd schedule full-time, he’d have to cover my lost income. I calculated my salary and added it to the list. “$75,000 per year to replace Lisa’s salary since she will now be your full-time maid, chef, and personal assistant.”

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By now, I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

And just for fun, I added a note about expanding the house. If Jake was going to have friends over all the time, they’d need a separate space. “$50,000 to build a man cave so Jake and his friends don’t disrupt Lisa’s new routine.”

I printed out the list, set it on the kitchen counter, and waited for Jake to come home. When he arrived, he was in a good mood.

“Hey, babe,” he called, spotting the paper. “What’s this?”

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Keeping a straight face, I said, “Oh, just a little list to help you become the best husband ever.”

He chuckled, thinking I was playing along, but as he read the list, his smile faded. “$1,200 for a trainer? $700 a month for groceries? What the hell, Lisa?”

I crossed my arms. “Well, you want me to follow your plan, right? I figured we should budget for it.”

His face turned pale as he flipped through the pages. “$75,000 a year? You’re quitting your job?”

“How else can I follow your plan?” I asked. “I can’t work and be the perfect wife, right?”

Jake looked stunned. The numbers and the absurdity of his demands hit him all at once. His smugness disappeared, replaced by the realization that he had messed up.

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“I didn’t mean for it to be like this,” he stammered. “I just thought—”

“You thought you could ‘fix’ me like a project?” I said, my voice calm but firm. “Jake, marriage is about respect. And if you ever try to ‘fix’ me like this again, it’ll cost you a lot more than what’s on that paper.”

There was a long silence. Jake sighed and looked at me, defeated.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t realize how ridiculous it was. Steve made it sound reasonable, but now I see… it’s toxic. I’ve been such a fool.”

I nodded. “Yes, you have. And honestly, Steve has no idea what he’s talking about. Why would you listen to him?”

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Jake’s face softened as the truth hit him. “You’re right. He has no clue.”

We tore up both lists, and for the first time in weeks, I felt like we were back on the same team. It was a reminder that marriage isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being better together.

The Former Homeowner’s Cryptic Caution About Our Neighbors Became Apparent After a Shocking Discovery

Upon settling into our new residence, we were initially charmed by our neighbors, the Johnsons. However, our perception dramatically shifted when we returned from a holiday to discover our home vandalized, which led us to unearth a concealed warning from the previous homeowner that drastically altered our understanding of trust.

We had moved into our delightful new home a year earlier, enjoying the peaceful neighborhood and the charming house, thrilled to begin this new chapter. The Johnsons, our next-door neighbors, greeted us warmly with an apple pie and friendly introductions.

“Welcome to the neighborhood!” Jane exclaimed, presenting the pie with a cheerful smile, while her husband Tom stood by her side, waving.

“Thank you so much,” I responded, accepting the pie. “I’m Emma, and this is my husband, Mike.”

Mike stepped forward, shaking their hands. “Pleasant to meet you both. We’re eager to start our life here.”

Our conversation flowed easily, and they seemed genuinely kind. Their home needed some upkeep, but that was of little concern to us. In the months following, our relationship grew through shared barbecues and pool gatherings, seemingly cementing a budding friendship.

However, a turn of events began three months later when I stumbled upon a note from the house’s previous owner hidden inside a kitchen drawer. It read: “Caution: Steer clear of the Johnsons. They’ll turn your life upside down. Keep your distance.”

I shared the mysterious warning with Mike that evening. “What do you make of this?” I asked, showing him the note.

He read it and looked up with a skeptical expression. “Isn’t this a bit over the top? They’ve been nothing but friendly.”

I agreed, albeit reluctantly, feeling an unsettling tug of intuition. “You’re probably right. Maybe there was a personal issue between them.”

“Perhaps the previous owner had some petty disagreements,” Mike reasoned.

We decided to dismiss the note, choosing instead to focus on the positive interactions we had enjoyed with Jane and Tom. We continued inviting them over, exchanging gardening tips and book recommendations, and we even allowed them open access to our garden and pool while we were away on our annual vacation.

Fast forward to our return last week, when we came home to a scene of chaos. Our beautiful garden was trampled, the pool was filled with debris, and trash littered our driveway. We were horrified.

“What on earth happened here?” Mike burst out, visibly enraged.

Determined to get to the bottom of this, we headed straight to the Johnsons’. Jane answered the door with an overly bright smile.

“Hello, neighbors! How was your trip?” she greeted us.

“What has happened to our property?” Mike cut to the chase, his patience worn thin.

Tom appeared, feigning innocence. “That wasn’t us. You have no proof,” he retorted sharply.

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