Parents were really surprised when their baby was born with a big smile on its face.

Ayla Summer Mucha startled her parents by beaming brightly when she was born in December 2021. Her parents fell in love with her right away, despite their first confusion due to an unusual illness that caused her smile to be permanent. Ayla is now well-known on social media, and her charming smile is adored by people everywhere.On December 30, 2021, Cristina Vercher and her husband Blaize Mucha were eager to finally see their newborn girl after nine months of waiting. However, unexpected news was delivered by the doctors during the C-section delivery.Due to bilateral macrostomia, Ayla Summer Mucha’s mouth did not form normally from birth.When a baby is growing inside its mother, the corners of the mouth sometimes don’t meet correctly, a condition known as a facial cleft. Just 14 cases similar to it have been documented in medical books due to its extreme rarity.Because the ultrasounds revealed no issues, Ayla’s parents were unaware of this until after she was born. They became really concerned when they noticed that she was speaking with her mouth agape. Even though Ayla was so small, the problem was evident, which startled and worried Ayla’s parents, who are now 23 and 22 respectively.”I had never met anyone born with a macrostomia, and neither Blaize nor I knew about this condition,” Adelaide’s Vercher remarked. Thus, it came as a huge surprise.Not just the parents expressed surprise.

A baby with bilateral macrostomia was beyond the capabilities of even the medical professionals.The fact that it took hours for a doctor to respond to our questions made it much more concerning. She added that the hospital was also ignorant of this uncommon ailment. “As a mother, all I could focus on was my mistakes.”However, medical professionals informed the anxious parents that there was nothing more they could have done. Cristina was concerned that she might have erred during her pregnancy or contributed to her daughter’s illness.She remarked, “I couldn’t stop wondering where I might have made a mistake as a mother.” They were convinced, nevertheless, that they had no influence over this problem and that they were not to blame following days of genetic testing and scans.The Mucha family concentrated on assisting Ayla in managing her illness, which limits her food and drink options, comfortably. Babies with this illness occasionally require surgery to become better.Ayla’s parents posted her story on social media so that people may learn more about it. Around 6.5 million users enjoyed Ayla’s adorable smile on TikTok. The amount of support that the Muchas received shocked them.”I just looked it up, and there are only 14 cases like hers that are known,” a commenter said. She is truly unique. Mom, you ought to feel proud.Regarding Ayla’s smile, another internet user stated, “She is gorgeous and just perfect the way she is.” Her smile made me smile as well.But nasty things about Ayla were said by several people online. But Ayla’s supporters swiftly came to her aid.”Your daughter is stunningly gorgeous. Never pay attention to such nasty folks. One individual remarked, “She’s like an angel.” Someone else posted, “Oh my gosh! You’re quite adorable! Pay no attention to their hurtful remarks. You’re simply too cute.”You’re a strong mom, and your daughter is beautiful,” commented another commenter. I apologize for exposing you to those hurtful remarks.Vercher said, “I think it’s important to be kind and accept everyone, no matter what,” to the hurtful remarks made about her child.If she and her child were in a similar circumstance, she hoped that people would treat them with the same respect. Vercher said that anyone could experience similar circumstances. She added that since you have no control over what other people say on social media, it can be a difficult place.Vercher ignored the criticism in favor of highlighting the encouragement and kind remarks. “We’re really proud of ourselves, so we won’t stop sharing our experiences and favorite memories,” she remarked.

A lot of people had a crush on her in the 1980s, but look at her now…

After her breakout role in “Crocodile Dundee”, Linda Kozlowski found herself thrust into the international spotlight. Starring opposite Paul Hogan, the film marked a significant milestone in her career trajectory. However, following the “Dundee” series and a handful of other projects, Kozlowski gradually veered away from the glitz and glamor of Hollywood.

Hailing from Fairfield, Connecticut, Linda Kozlowski was born on January 7, 1958, with aspirations of treading the boards. She pursued her passion for acting by enrolling in the prestigious theater program at the Juilliard School. Upon graduating in 1981, she made her mark in various off-Broadway productions before transitioning to minor roles on Broadway and television. Notably, she starred alongside Dustin Hoffman in the television movie “Death of a Salesman”, marking a significant milestone in her career.

Linda’s path to fame wasn’t without its hurdles. Following her stint as a waitress post-“Death of a Salesman”, she relocated to California. It was there, under the wing of her mentor Dustin Hoffman and his wife, that Linda found refuge in their Malibu beach house. It was from this humble abode that Linda embarked on an audition that would alter the course of her life.

Dustin Hoffman’s endorsement landed Linda the coveted role of Sue Charlton in “Crocodile Dundee”, a character she portrayed with aplomb. The film’s astronomical success, raking in over $320 million against a $10 million budget, catapulted Linda Kozlowski into stardom virtually overnight. Interestingly, her fame initially soared in Australia due to the film’s early release there.

Despite her newfound celebrity status, Linda felt somewhat overlooked in Hollywood. While she reprised her role in the “Crocodile Dundee” sequels, she declined numerous offers for roles that pigeonholed her as the quintessential girlfriend of a comedic lead. Ultimately, Linda decided to bid adieu to acting after the third installment of “Dundee”.

In her personal life, Linda Kozlowski found love on set with her co-star Paul Hogan during the “Crocodile Dundee” series. They tied the knot in 1990 and welcomed their son, Chance, in 1998. However, their marriage dissolved in 2014. Following her divorce from Paul Hogan, Linda received a substantial settlement, empowering her to chart her own course. She turned her gaze towards Morocco, where she crossed paths with Moulay Hafid Baba, a native tour guide, sparking a profound life transformation.

Together, Linda and Moulay Hafid Baba founded the luxury travel agency Dream My Destiny in Marrakech. Crafting bespoke travel experiences tailored to their clients’ desires became their passion. Linda seamlessly transitioned from the glitz of Hollywood to the enchanting vistas of Morocco.

While Linda Kozlowski may have bid farewell to the silver screen, her legacy as Sue Charlton in “Crocodile Dundee” endures. At 63, she embraces her adventurous spirit and finds fulfillment in her new life in Morocco. She believes that reality surpasses fiction, channeling her intuition honed during her acting career into curating unforgettable experiences for travelers around the globe.

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