11 Characters That Were Pregnant in Real Life, and What Their Babies Look Like Today

Participating in the filming of a series or movie is hard work since celebrities have to get into the skin of their characters to achieve an authentic interpretation. But that doesn’t mean that actors don’t have real lives behind the scenes. Sometimes, actresses decide to become mothers and already have contracts with production companies. This presents a challenge for them, because of their pregnancy, and for the filmmakers who have to decide whether to incorporate the belly into the plot or simply let the actress cover her belly.

Bright Side made a list of 11 celebrities who played during pregnancy (some of them had to hide their belly) and is revealing what these kids that made things complicated for their mothers and producers look like today.

1. Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Seinfeld

During the shooting of the third season of the popular sitcom, Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus became pregnant with her first child, Henry Hall. Baby Henry was born in July of 1992. However, the actress’s pregnancy was never really a problem for the producers of the series. The simple solution writers came up with was to put her character, Elaine, in baggy clothes and any large garments to hide her belly. Henry is currently 29 years old.

2. Claire Danes in Homeland

You probably know actress Claire Danes because of the amazing performance she delivered as the CIA agent, Carrie Mathison, in the television series, Homeland. However, what’s not often talked about is the fact that she was 8 months pregnant when she completed the filming of the second season. Her pregnancy could not be introduced in the plot due to her character, so they decided to use digital retouching to hide her belly. Her son, Cyrus, was born in December 2012, and he’s now 9 years old.

3. Ellen Pompeo in Grey’s Anatomy

During the filming of the sixth season of one of the most popular drama series ever created, Grey’s Anatomy, producers decided to hide Ellen Pompeo’s pregnancy from the cameras. This was done because, for the writers, this was not the right time for her character, Dr. Meredith, to have a baby, and they wanted to keep that for a later moment. In September 2009, Stella Luna, now 12 years old, was born.

4. Zooey Deschanel in New Girl

Zooey Deschanel was 7 months pregnant when season 5 of the hit series, New Girl,was shot. As you probably remember, the actress had to be momentarily replaced by Megan Fox since producers were only able to hide her belly for no more than a few episodes. Deschanel also had to stay off the series until she returned from postpartum rest. Zooey gave birth to her daughter, Elsie, in August 2015, and today the little girl is 5 years old.

5. Holly Marie Combs in Charmed

Holly Marie Combs, who plays Piper, one of the main characters of the series, Charmed, announced during the shooting of the sixth season that she was pregnant. The producers thought it was better to hide her pregnancy at first. However, after a while, they decided that it was better for her character to actually have a child in the story as well. Apparently, Piper’s pregnancy was planned before the actress knew she was expecting a baby, so that came in handy. Combs gave birth to her first child, Finley Arthur, in 2004, and he’s now 17 years old.

6. Amaia Salamanca in Velvet


Amaia Salamanca’s pregnancy was well-planned when she rejoined the set of Velvet, a show about the compelling Spanish story of a fashion house in Madrid in the late ’50s. Because of this, production had no choice but to make Barbara, her character, pregnant as well. At the age of 28, she gave birth to her first child, a girl named Olivia Varo, in April 2014.

7. Kerry Washington in Scandal

Kerry Washington’s pregnancy happened right in the middle of the shooting of the series, Scandal, in which she played the main character. This unforeseen event forced producers to reduce the number of episodes to hide the actress’s pregnancy that couldn’t fit the schedule of the series. Currently, her daughter, Isabelle, is 7 years old.

8. Kristen Bell in House of Lies

The star of the House of Lies TV series, Kristen Bell, was about 6 months pregnant with her first daughter when the second season of the show was about to be shot. In order to actually film some episodes, the producers had to hire a body double for the scenes in which Bell would have had to show her belly. Her first daughter, Lincoln Bell, is now 8 years old.

9. Cobie Smulders in How I Met Your Mother


Actress Cobie Smulders brought her character, Robin, to millions of small screens thanks to the sitcom, How I Met Your Mother. After fellow actress Alyson Hannigan told the show-runners that she was pregnant, Cobie Smulders discovered that she was also pregnant and told the producers who had to camouflage both of their pregnancies. To disguise Smulders’ belly, producers asked the costume designers to use garments and objects that could hide her abdomen, and they had the character remain seated for most of the scenes that she appeared in. In May 2009, the actress gave birth to her daughter, Shaelyn.

10. Madonna in Evita

Madonna, also known as the Queen of Pop, made the controversial 1996 film in which she played the wife of Argentinian dictator Juan Domingo Perón, Eva Perón. However, Madonna was pregnant with her daughter, Lourdes Leon, back then. It was because of this that the crew of Evita cleverly used costumes and camera shots so that it was not noticeable that Madonna was pregnant with her eldest daughter who is now 24 years old.

11. Lisa Kudrow in Friends

When Lisa Kudrow played Phoebe Buffay on one of the most famous sitcoms, Friends, she became pregnant. This was right about when they started filming the fourth season. The producers decided to include her pregnancy in the story by having Phoebe lend her womb to her brother to conceive triplets because he and his wife couldn’t have kids on their own. Today, her only son, Julian, is 23 years old.

What is your favorite family series? What do you think of women who work while pregnant?

Preview photo credit Friends / Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, and, co-producerlisakudrow / Instagram

After A Teacher Corrected A Student’s Test, The Whole Town Wanted Her Fired

Pennsylvania father Chris Piland was appalled to see what his second-grader’s teacher had written on a paper that the student had turned in. In addition to bullying Piland’s young child, the instructor tried to make him feel foolish and humiliate him in front of his peers—exactly the opposite of what educators should be doing if they are committed to helping pupils learn.

What action did the teacher then take? The word “absolutely pathetic” was scribbled over the tiny boy’s assignment. Piland is now asking for the teacher’s termination due to the disrespectful remark.

Because they are employed at Valley View Elementary School, the teacher takes pleasure in getting paid on a regular basis. However, they have recently come under fire for misusing their authority over the children. Piland discovered that the teacher isn’t doing their job, in addition to learning that the teacher finds his young son’s intelligence to be “absolutely pathetic.”

The instructor has already been announced as Alyssa Rupp Bohenek. She wrote her remarks using a red pen, a symbol of subpar work from pupils. The entire sentence said:

How pathetic! In just three minutes, he responded to thirteen questions! wistful She grimaced in response to that.

The purpose was to determine the number of subtraction problems the second graders could complete. The teacher gave the class three minutes to finish them, and she was horrified to see that Piland’s son, who had the lowest performance in the class, could only finish thirteen of them.

Piland called Bohenek out for her animosity after she uploaded the assignment’s photo online.

“My son, Kamdyn’s teacher, has been so cruel to him and me for the entire year. That someone would write this on a child’s assignment and then bring it home enrages me beyond measure. Adorable source of inspiration,” he said next the image.

Piland didn’t want the teacher to get away with her crime against his child, so he started an online petition to try and have her fired so she could no longer abuse her position over any other young second-grade pupils.

The outrage compelled Rose Minniti, the superintendent of schools, to respond. She stated that she was informed about the test last week and that she has already set up a meeting with the teacher who is accused to investigate the allegations and decide if firing the teacher is the appropriate course of action.

According to Minniti, social media won’t affect how this personnel case turns out. The proof and the facts will decide it. We constantly try to strike a balance between the needs of the kids and the requirements to safeguard the worker who is the focus of the inquiry.

Bohenek has worked at the elementary school since 2013. Has she gotten tired of looking after the little children already? Based on the look of her response, it appears that she is over it.

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